


来源 :中华考试网 2017-03-25

  第二部分 Verbs

  第一类:Unnecessary verb plus noun


  A: it is impossible for us to accomplish the transformation of the whole society overnight

  B: it is impossible for us to transform the whole society overnight

  A: they must make up their minds to implement the reform of the current system

  B: they must make up their minds to reform the current system

  A: until China realizes industrial modernization

  B: until China modernize its industry


  A: approval should be given to all these projects

  B: all these projects should be approved

  (Because ‘to give approval to’= ‘to approve’)

  A: solutions to these problems can be found only through…

  B: these problems can be solved only through…

  (Because ‘to find solutions to’= ‘to solve.’)

  A: grain rationing was implemented

  B: grain was rationed

  (Because ‘to implement rationing’ = ‘to ration.’)

  第二类:Unnecessary verb plus unnecessary noun plus third word


  A:we adopted the policy of withdrawal

  B: we withdrew (or: decided to withdraw)

  (This was a particular tactical retreat, not a general military policy)

  A: in all matters we must assume the attitude of admitting what we do and do not know

  B: we should always admit what we do and do not know

  A: we need to achieve the objective of clarity in ideology

  B: we need to be clear in our ideology

  第三类:Overworked introductory verb phrases


  A: it is necessary to make great efforts to assimilate the achievements of other cultures

  B: it is especially necessary to assimilate the achievements of other cultures

  (What is especially necessary is to assimilate. It is obvious that this process is going to take effort, so we don’t have to say so.)

  A: all enterprises must pay attention to promoting excellent workers

  B: all enterprises must see to it that excellent workers are promoted

  (The point is not that the enterprises must ‘pay attention’ to doing something but that they must do it. If they promote workers, they are clearly paying attention to promoting them. )

  A: the principal task at present is to do a good job in disseminating and applying the results of scientific and technological research

  B: the principal task at present is to disseminate and apply the results of scientific and technological research

  (Logically, the task is not to do a good job but to disseminate and apply. It can be taken for granted that people should try to do it well.)

