

2020初中教师资格英语面试教案:I’m watching TV

来源 :考试网 2020-07-10

  课堂评价在课堂教学中是必不可少的,客观正确的评价有利于促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。新课改理念之下,教师充分利用评价的作用,采用多元化的评价方式,评价学生综合语言运用能力的发展水平,并通过评价激发学生的学习兴趣,促进学生的自主学习能力、思维能力、跨文化意识和健康人格的发展。课堂上丰富评价方式,有效地激励着学生积极参与课堂。本文以人教版初一下册Unit 6 I’m watching TV.阅读课为例进行教学设计。

  Teaching Objectives:

  Knowledge objective:

  Students can know the basic structure: be doing to describe the things happening at the time.

  Ability objective:

  Students can get main and detail information from the article through fast reading and careful reading.

  Emotional objective:

  Students can love their homeland and their culture.

  Teaching key points and difficult points:

  Key points:

  Students can get main and detail information from the article through fast reading and careful reading.

  Difficult Points:

  Students can love their homeland and their culture.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Warming up

  Show students pictures in 1a and ask students to talk about the time in 2a with their partners. Each group has a student to report like this:“In Beijing, it is 8 o’clock in the morning. At the same time, it is 9 o’clock a.m. in Tokyo.”Give students evaluation.

  (Justification: This step is to help students review and lay foundation for the next step.)



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  Step 2 Pre-reading

  Show students video about the traditional festival-----the Dragon Boat Festival. Invite some students to talk about it with a question: What do you usually do on the Dragon Boat Festival?

  (Justification: Lead to the topic. Video can help students learn about the festival so that students can have something to share in their discussion.)

  Step 3 While-reading

  1. Ask students to read the passage globally. Fill in the chart. Give students evaluation.

