


来源 :考试网 2019-04-03




  What is the passage mainly about/ main idea?

  What will be the best title?

  What is the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?


  1. 文章主题句通常位于首段或者尾段,每一段的首句通常总领该段意思,可以速读后抓首


  2. 抓关键词。文章中反复提及的关键词应该出现在主旨句中,细枝末节的东西只能是干扰


  3. 标题的自明性。碰到给文章命名时,一定要记住这一规则,符合文意的题目一看你就知



  Passage 1

  When students and parents are asked to rate subjects according to their importance, the arts are

  unavoidably at the bottom of the list. Music is nice, people seem to say, but not important. Too often it

  is viewed as mere entertainment, but certainly not an education priority .

  This view is shortsighted. In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all students.

  Music tells us who we are. Music expresses our character and values. It gives us identity as a society.Music provides a kind of perception that cannot be acquired any other way.

  When we do not give children access to an important way of expressing themselves such as

  music, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses. Science and technology do not tell

  us what it means to be human. The arts do. Music is an important way we express human suffering

  and celebration, the meaning and value of peace and love. So music education is far more necessary

  than people seem to realize.

  What is the main idea of the passage?

  A. Music education deserves more attention.

  B. Music should be of top education priority.

  C. Music is an effective communication tool.

  D. Music education makes students more imaginative.



  Passage 2

  Nothing is as useful as a flashlight on a dark night if a tire goes flat. Few inventions are so

  helpful to a child who is afraid of the dark. In fact, the modern flashlight brings light to many dark

  situations. Finding something in the back of a closet is easy with a flashlight in hand. A camper also

  needs one after the light of the campfire has been out.

  What is the best title of the passage?

  A. Everyone should have his own flashlight

  B. The useful flashlight

  C. What is modern flashlight D. Who need a flashlight?

  【解析】答案为 B。本段讲述了 flashlight 的用处和带给人们的方便。A 项为过度引申,C、

  D 项文中并未提及,无中生有。

