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    Rapid application development (RAD) systems purport to lighten the developer's  (41)   by making it easy to program an application with simple intuitive steps.

    RAD tools  (42)  the developer everything needed to construct a fully functional application quickly and easily. They make short work of modifying the developed product to  (43)  changes after the program is finished. Applications developed with RAD tools are constructed as they are envisioned. As an application's real usefulness  (44) , the developer armed with RAD tools should be able to  (45)  on new features with little fuss.

     (41) A. burden      B. trouble           C. task         D. weight

     (42) A. offer        B. order             C. refer         D. release

     (43) A. accommodate B. account          C. decrease     D. eliminate

     (44) A. appearances  B. emerges          C. recognizes    D. solves

     (45) A. beat        B. change           C. debug       D. tack



    (41)A    (42)A    (43)A    (44)A    (45)D



    常见的RAD工具有Powerbuilder,Visual Basic,Delphi,Oracle/Development 2000等。RAD工具的主要特点是具有图形开发界面和可视计算技术的支持,程序员只需通过简单的鼠标点击和键盘交互操作,即可以快速生成应用程序代码。

    (45)小题的四个备选项中,只有beat和tack能与on搭配,其中beat on的含义是“火般照晒,波浪似扑向”,tack on的含义是“添加”。

    You've been engaged to manage a project. The estimated cost of the project is $1 000000. The project sponsor has approved this amount. Your earned value calculations indicate that the project will be completed on time and under budget by $200 000. Based on this calulation, your personal profit will decrease by $2 000.

    46.Given the estimated decrease in personal profit, what action you should take  (46)  .

      A. Invoice for the full $1,000,000 based on the contract.

      B. Add tasks to improve the outcome and increase the actual project cost.

      C. Inform the end-user that you can add features to the project in order to use the entire budget.

      D. Communicate the projected financial outcome to the project sponsor.






     47.A key activity in closing out a project is to  (47)  .

      A. Disseminate status reports and risk assessment.

       B. Disseminate information to formalize project completion.

       C. Monitor the specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards.

       D. Transfer all the project records to the project owners.






