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  红黑树:红黑树是一种自平衡二叉查找树,是在计算机科学中用到的一种数据结构,典型的用途是实现关联数组。它是在1972年由Rudolf Bayer发明的,他称之为"对称二叉B树",它现代的名字是在 LeoJ. Guibas 和 RobertSedgewick 于1978年写的一篇论文中获得的。它是复杂的,但它的操作有着良好的最坏情况运行时间,并且在实践中是高效的: 它可以在O(log n)时间内做查找,插入和删除,这里的n是树中元素的数目。

  AVL:AVL是最先发明的自平衡二叉查找树算法。在AVL中任何节点的两个儿子子树的高度最大差别为一,所以它也被称为高度平衡树。查找、插入和删除在平均和最坏情况下都是O(log n)。增加和删除可能需要通过一次或多次树旋转来重新平衡这个树。


  伸展树:伸展树(Splay Tree)是一种二叉排序树,它能在O(log n)内完成插入、查找和删除操作。它由Daniel Sleator和Robert Tarjan创造。它的优势在于不需要记录用于平衡树的冗余信息。在伸展树上的一般操作都基于伸展操作。

  左偏树:堆结构是一种隐式数据结构(implicit data structure),用完全二叉树表示的堆在数组中是隐式存贮的(即没有明确的指针或其他数据能够重构这种结构)。由于没有存贮结构信息,这种描述方法空间利用率很高,事实上没有空间浪费。尽管堆结构的时间和空间效率都很高,但它不适合于所有优先队列的应用,尤其是当需要合并两个优先队列或多个长度不同的队列时。因此需要借助于其他数据结构来实现这类应用,左偏树(leftist tree)就能满足这种要求。




  ①平衡二叉树(BalancedBinary Tree)是指树中任一结点的左右子树的高度大致相同。








  #include // For NULL

  usingnamespace std;

  //AvlTree class


  //CONSTRUCTION: with ITEM_NOT_FOUND object used to signal failed finds


  //******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************

  //void insert( x ) --> Insert x

  //void remove( x ) --> Remove x(unimplemented)

  //bool contains( x ) --> Return trueif x is present

  //Comparable findMin( ) --> Returnsmallest item

  //Comparable findMax( ) --> Returnlargest item

  //boolean isEmpty( ) --> Return trueif empty; else false

  //void makeEmpty( ) --> Remove allitems

  //void printTree( ) --> Print treein sorted order


//Throws UnderflowException as warranted





  AvlTree( ) : root( NULL ) { }

  AvlTree( const AvlTree & rhs ) : root(NULL )


  *this = rhs;


  ~AvlTree( )


  makeEmpty( );



  * Find the smallest item in the tree.

  * Throw UnderflowException if empty.


  const Comparable & findMin( ) const


  if( isEmpty( ) )

  throw UnderflowException( );

  return findMin( root )->element;



  * Find the largest item in the tree.

  * Throw UnderflowException if empty.


  const Comparable & findMax( ) const


  if( isEmpty( ) )

  throw UnderflowException( );

  return findMax( root )->element;



  * Returns true if x is found in the tree.


  bool contains( const Comparable & x )const


  return contains( x, root );



  * Test if the tree is logically empty.

  * Return true if empty, false otherwise.


  bool isEmpty( ) const


  return root == NULL;



  * Print the tree contents in sorted order.


  void printTree( ) const


  if( isEmpty( ) )

  cout << "Emptytree" << endl;


  printTree( root );



  * Make the tree logically empty.


  void makeEmpty( )


  makeEmpty( root );



  * Insert x into the tree; duplicates areignored.


  void insert( const Comparable & x )


  insert( x, root );



  * Remove x from the tree. Nothing is doneif x is not found.


  void remove( const Comparable & x )


  cout << "Sorry, removeunimplemented; " << x <<

  " still present"<< endl;



  * Deep copy.


  const AvlTree & operator=( constAvlTree & rhs )


  if( this != &rhs )


  makeEmpty( );

  root = clone( rhs.root );


  return *this;



  struct AvlNode


  Comparable element;

  AvlNode *left;

  AvlNode *right;

  int height;

  AvlNode( const Comparable &theElement, AvlNode *lt,

  AvlNode *rt, int h = 0 )

  : element( theElement ), left( lt ),right( rt ), height( h ) { }


  AvlNode *root;


  * Internal method to insert into asubtree.

  * x is the item to insert.

  * t is the node that roots the subtree.

  * Set the new root of the subtree.


  void insert( const Comparable & x,AvlNode * & t )


  if( t == NULL )

  t = new AvlNode( x, NULL, NULL );

  else if( x < t->element )


  insert( x, t->left );

  if( height( t->left ) - height(t->right ) == 2 )

  if( x left->element )

  rotateWithLeftChild( t );


  doubleWithLeftChild( t );


  else if( t->element < x )


  insert( x, t->right );

  if( height( t->right ) - height(t->left ) == 2 )

  if( t->right->element< x )

  rotateWithRightChild( t );


  doubleWithRightChild( t );


  t->height = max( height( t->left), height( t->right ) ) + 1;



  * Internal method to find the smallestitem in a subtree t.

  * Return node containing the smallestitem.


  AvlNode * findMin( AvlNode *t ) const


  if( t == NULL )

  return NULL;

  if( t->left == NULL )

  return t;

  return findMin( t->left );



  * Internal method to find the largest itemin a subtree t.

  * Return node containing the largest item.


  AvlNode * findMax( AvlNode *t ) const


  if( t != NULL )

  while( t->right != NULL )

  t = t->right;

  return t;



  * Internal method to test if an item is ina subtree.

  * x is item to search for.

  * t is the node that roots the tree.


  bool contains( const Comparable & x,AvlNode *t ) const


  if( t == NULL )

  return false;

  else if( x < t->element )

  return contains( x, t->left );

  else if( t->element < x )

  return contains( x, t->right );


  return true; // Match


  /****** NONRECURSIVEVERSION*************************

  bool contains( const Comparable & x,AvlNode *t ) const


  while( t != NULL )

  if( x < t->element )

  t = t->left;

  else if( t->element < x )

  t = t->right;


  return true; // Match

  return false; // No match




  * Internal method to make subtree empty.


  void makeEmpty( AvlNode * & t )


  if( t != NULL )


  makeEmpty( t->left );

  makeEmpty( t->right );

  delete t;


  t = NULL;



  * Internal method to print a subtreerooted at t in sorted order.


  void printTree( AvlNode *t ) const


  if( t != NULL )


  printTree( t->left );

  cout << t->element<< endl;

  printTree( t->right );




  * Internal method to clone subtree.


  AvlNode * clone( AvlNode *t ) const


  if( t == NULL )

  return NULL;


  return new AvlNode( t->element,clone( t->left ), clone( t->right ), t->height );


  // Avl manipulations


  *Return the height of node t or -1 if NULL.


  int height( AvlNode *t ) const


  return t == NULL ? -1 : t->height;


  int max( int lhs, int rhs ) const


  return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs;



  * Rotate binary tree node with left child.

  * For AVL trees, this is a single rotationfor case 1.

  * Update heights, then set new root.


  void rotateWithLeftChild( AvlNode * &k2 )


  AvlNode *k1 = k2->left;

  k2->left = k1->right;

  k1->right = k2;

  k2->height = max( height(k2->left ), height( k2->right ) ) + 1;

  k1->height = max( height(k1->left ), k2->height ) + 1;

  k2 = k1;



  * Rotate binary tree node with rightchild.

  * For AVL trees, this is a single rotationfor case 4.

  * Update heights, then set new root.


  void rotateWithRightChild( AvlNode * &k1 )


  AvlNode *k2 = k1->right;

  k1->right = k2->left;

  k2->left = k1;

  k1->height = max( height(k1->left ), height( k1->right ) ) + 1;

  k2->height = max( height(k2->right ), k1->height ) + 1;

  k1 = k2;



  * Double rotate binary tree node: firstleft child.

  * with its right child; then node k3 withnew left child.

  * For AVL trees, this is a double rotationfor case 2.

  * Update heights, then set new root.


  void doubleWithLeftChild( AvlNode * &k3 )


  rotateWithRightChild( k3->left );

  rotateWithLeftChild( k3 );



  * Double rotate binary tree node: firstright child.

  * with its left child; then node k1 withnew right child.

  * For AVL trees, this is a double rotationfor case 3.

  * Update heights, then set new root.


  void doubleWithRightChild( AvlNode * &k1 )


  rotateWithLeftChild( k1->right );

  rotateWithRightChild( k1 );





