

The device could be

来源 :中华考试网 2017-12-27



A.The device could be used to take a picture of your body each week, then compare it with previous image

B.That is going to be the difficult part

C.The cut could then be treated instantly, so avoiding possible complication

D.Experts are also working on a "digital doctor", complete with a comforting bedside manner

E.Instead of relying on hi-teach hospitals, the emphasis is shifted to the home and easy-to-use gadget

F.A toothbrush that checks blood sugar and bacteria while you brush is currently in development in USA


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A.The device could be used to take a picture of your body each week, then compare it with previous image

B.That is going to be the difficult part

C.The cut could then be treated instantly, so avoiding possible complication

D.Experts are also working on a "digital doctor", complete with a comforting bedside manner

E.Instead of relying on hi-teach hospitals, the emphasis is shifted to the home and easy-to-use gadget

F.A toothbrush that checks blood sugar and bacteria while you brush is currently in development in USA


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A.The device could be used to take a picture of your body each week, then compare it with previous image

B.That is going to be the difficult part

C.The cut could then be treated instantly, so avoiding possible complication

D.Experts are also working on a "digital doctor", complete with a comforting bedside manner

E.Instead of relying on hi-teach hospitals, the emphasis is shifted to the home and easy-to-use gadget

F.A toothbrush that checks blood sugar and bacteria while you brush is currently in development in USA


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A.The device could be used to take a picture of your body each week, then compare it with previous image

B.That is going to be the difficult part

C.The cut could then be treated instantly, so avoiding possible complication

D.Experts are also working on a "digital doctor", complete with a comforting bedside manner

E.Instead of relying on hi-teach hospitals, the emphasis is shifted to the home and easy-to-use gadget

F.A toothbrush that checks blood sugar and bacteria while you brush is currently in development in USA


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A.The device could be used to take a picture of your body each week, then compare it with previous image

B.That is going to be the difficult part

C.The cut could then be treated instantly, so avoiding possible complication

D.Experts are also working on a "digital doctor", complete with a comforting bedside manner

E.Instead of relying on hi-teach hospitals, the emphasis is shifted to the home and easy-to-use gadget

F.A toothbrush that checks blood sugar and bacteria while you brush is currently in development in USA


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