来源 :华课网校 2018-11-28
1. 该城市的基本专科(如地理位置、人口、过去情况等)
2. 该城市近几年来发生的较大变化(如城市规模、城市面貌、公共设施或交通状况等)
3. 你对该城市未来变化的期望
The town where I live now is in the north of Zhejiang, half an hour’s drive from the city of Jiaxing, It has about 500,000 people. It used to be a very small, less developed and inaccessible town compared with what it is now. Great changes have taken place in the recent decades. The scale has greatly enlarged. Public facilities are well equipped. Well-organized transportation is available. It takes on a newer and better look now. I hope more people will be attracted here with such great development.
It is necessary to keep a balanced diet/had better/it is important to do regular exercises/it is essential to keep high mood/renew our spirits and release our stress/be bound to keep healghy