


来源 :华课网校 2018-04-11


  70. Do you want your parents to spend your birthday with you ? Why ?

  Yes. For if my parents spend my birthday with me , I will feel very happy.

  I want them share the happy time with me.

  71. Do you like traveling ? Why ?

  Yes , I love traveling . For traveling can comfort my body and mind , can also make me get more knowledges. (It can entertain my eyes and minds.\ It can make me see more places.)

  72. Where have you been to ? Have you ever been abroad ?

  73. How many scenic spots have you ever been to ?

  74. How many hours a week do you usually spend watching TV ?

  I will spend about 8 hours a week watching TV.

  ( It will take me 8 hours a week to watching TV.)

  75. What kind of TV programs do you like most and why ?

  I’m fond of “Xing Yun 52” \News 30’ \TV plays\Tong Yi Shou Ge. Because……

  76. How do you keep yourself in good health ?

  77. What do you think is the most important vespect\aspect for keeping fit ?

  -----To keep fit we can do a lot of things . Such as going on diet , doing exercises , and so on . But the most important is to be in a good mood , to be optimistic.

  78. Do you think your everyday life is a healthy one ? Why?\Why not ?

  79. If you were too strong , would you like to keep on a diet ? Why ?

  80. How important do you think studying English is to you ?

  81. What do you usually do in your spare time ?

  82. When do you do the housework ?

  83. What do you often read newspaper, periodicals or novels ?

  84. Do you have a computer ?

  85. How many hours a day do you spend on computer ?

  86. Where did you learn to use a computer ?

  87. How do you like Chinese Spring Festival ?

  88. How do you people in your home town spend their Spring Festival?

  89. Have you ever had a pet ? If yes , tell us something about your pet .

