


来源 :华课网校 2019-07-04


  1-5 BCADC 6-10 CDBDA 11-15 ABACD

  16.C 17.B 18.B 19.C 20.B 21.A 22.C 23.B 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.B 28.B 29.D 30.C

  31.A 32.B 33.B 34.D 35.A 36.C 37.D 38.D 39.A 40.D 41.B 42.B 43.A 44.B 45.D

  45-55:B A C B A D C B C C

  56. C 57. B 58. A 59. D 60. A 61. C 62. D 63. B 64. C 65. A 66. B 67. A 68. D 69. C 70. D 71. B 72. C 73. A 74. A 75. B

  76. 他健康强壮,但是却几乎没受过正规教育。

  77. 这个团队只支付他每周15美元。

  78. 没有人声称负责。

  79. 他们经常使用短信和顾客保持联系。

  80. 这些类型的健身房很有希望在未来成功的大量增加。

  1. 题干:根据文章,以下哪个表述不正确?

  解析:答案B.A项可从文章第一段第一句"Since its founding in 1948,"找到答案。C项可从第一段最后"with more than 30,000 locations in 118 countries."找到答案。D项可从第一段中找到答案,最初只是一个家庭汉堡包的货摊(stand)。只有B项“麦当劳已经在世界上每个城市建了餐厅”找不到依据。原文只是说麦当劳在全世界很普遍(ubiquitous),不代表每个城市都有。

  2. 题干:第二段"ubiquitous"一词最可能的意思是?


  3. 题干:从第二段我们可以总结出。

  解析:答案A.从第二段后半部分可以看出,"That's not to say that every nation carries the same menu items: choices vary widely depending on location."每个城市并不是都是一样的菜单,根据地区不同,选择也有差异。由此看出,选项中只有A“麦当劳设计菜单来满足当地人的需求。”适合题意。

  4. 题干:Jose Bove 和他的人在1999年做了什么来反对麦当劳?

  解析:答案D.由"A French farmer, Jose Bove, became something of a national hero in 1999 after he and a group of people destroyed a McDonald's under construction to protest globalization and "bad food"."这一句可以看出,他和他的人摧毁了一个在建的麦当劳店来反对全球化和糟糕食物。

  5. 题干:在哪年,一位员工死在了发生在法国攻击麦当劳餐馆的致命爆炸袭击之中。

  解析:该句中的时间没有直接在原文中体现,但是可以从相关时间顺序容易的推测出,"The next year, a bomb exploded in a French McDonald's, killing a 27-year-old employee."第二年发生了这件事情,由前面的事件(1999年)可以推测出,第二年便是2000年。

  6. 题干:从文章中,我们可以发现Jim Thorpe出生于哪里?



  答案及解析:D 从第一段第三句"Like most Native American children then, he liked to fish, hunt, swim, and play games outdoors."“像大部分当时的美国本土儿童一样,他喜欢钓鱼、打猎、游泳和在户外玩游戏。”可以看出,只要D项“唱歌”没有提到。

  8.题干:Jim Thorpe 在什么时候开始进行体育运动。

  答案及解析:B 从第二段可以看出。吉姆在16岁时父母去世,他去了特殊学校,然后在那里开始运动。由此看见,答案为B。

  9. 题干:第三段"decathlon"意思可能是。

  答案及解析:D "The decathlon has ten track and field events, with running, jumping, and throwing contests."在该段最后可以看到对该词的解释,它包含十项田径运动,包含跑步,跳远等。由此可以得出答案为D。

  10. 题干:以下哪项不正确?

  答案及解析:A 选项中BCD都可以找到对应答案,只有A项的表述有问题,1912年,吉姆参加了奥林匹克运动队,而不是回到学校完成学业。






  解析:选择A.该题的答案可以从第四段第一句"Trainers recommend functional fitness as a practical goal, rather than six-pack abs (六块腹肌)."找到答案,训练的目标是功能性的,而不是为了六块腹肌。因此选择A.


  解析:选择C.从倒数第二段最后一句"Wider seats, more cushioning, no mirrors, and tinted(有色的)windows for privacy, are all important changes."可以看出,在墙上是没有镜子的,因为C项“在墙上有大镜子。”这个表述是错误的。

  15. D。题干:下面那句最合适做文章的题目?

  A 通过锻炼提高女性的自信心





  16. When Bill came in, I ____ with my friends.

  A. will talk B. talk C. was talking D. have talked



  17. John made her ____ him everything about her plan for the trip.

  A. to tell B. tell C. told D. tells


  【试题点评】本题考查动词的固定用法,make sb. do。

  18. Lucy goes to school by bike every day, ____ she?

  A. does B. doesn't C. is D. isn't



  19. I can help ____ whether we should go without raincoats.

  A. wonder B. to wonder C. wondering D. wondered


  【试题点评】本题考查动词的固定用法,help doing情不自禁地做。

  20. Never in her life ____ in such an important party, where she saw so many pop stars.

  A. Lisa took part B. did Lisa take part C. Lisa was taken part D. was Lisa taken part



  21. The young man, ____ met us at the station yesterday, will show us around the campus this morning.

  A. who B. that C. which D. whose


  【试题点评】本题考查定语从句,who 在非限制定语从句中做主语。

  22. I am not sure whether New York is ____ biggest city in-world or not.

  A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a



  23. Believe it or not, Mike runs ____ than all the other boys in his class.

  A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. more fast


  【试题点评】本题考查副词的比较级结构more than。

  24. They left London for New York ____ the morning of September 10.

  A in B. on C. at D. of



  25. Jim can go to school today ____ his illness.

  A. in spite of B. in front of C. because of D. far from


  【试题点评】本题考查介词短语,根据句子的逻辑意义,用because of。

  26. With the____ of a computer, one can do what was impossible in the past.

  A. age B. air C. aid D. aim



  27. I immediately ____ Luke's father from the crowd because they two looked like each other so much.

  A. researched B. recognized C. reported D. reduced



  28. A friendly relationship between two countries is often based on____ respect, trust and understanding.

  A. lovely B. mutual C. bold D. strict



  29. Mr. Brown isn't in the office now, but you can ____ a message for him.

  A. give B. hand C. tell D. leave



  30. The boy gave an exciting ____ of his adventure son the island, which attracted a large audience.

  A. opinion B. idea C. account D. appearance



  31. Get in the car. There's enough ____ for you.

  A. room B. seat C. spot D. area



  32. His face looks ____ but I can't remember where I met him.

  A. alike B. familiar C. like D. similar



  33. We must make ____ our minds where to go for our vacation this winter.

  A. out B. up C. for D. in


  【试题点评】本题考查固定词组搭配,make up one’s mind下定决心。

  34. China is rich in natural resources, but they are not evenly ____.

  A. dismissed B. contributed C. disturbed D. distributed



  35. Taken in time, the medicine can be quite ____.

  A. effective B. affected C. efficient D. sufficient



  36. The ____ edition of the dictionary is far better than the previous ones.

  A. late B. lately C. latest D. lasting



  37. Big waves turned ____ the boat, causing many people to fall into water.

  A. up B. down C. in D. over


  【试题点评】本题考查动词固定搭配的辨析,turn up出现,turn down拒绝, turn in交上;归还,turn over打翻。

  38. On reaching home I discovered that I ____ my keys at the office.

  A. left B. have left C. was left D. had left



  39. By the time she leaves the stage next month, she ____ for sixty years.

  A. will have performed B. has performed C. will be performing D. will perform



  40. I appreciated ____ to your school to give a lecture.

  A. to be invited B. to have invited C. having invited D. being invited



  41. ____, follow the directions on the bottle carefully.

  A. When taken drugs B. When taking drugs C. When one takes drugs D. When to take drugs



  42. Mr. Smith____ be in the bookstore because I saw him in his office a moment ago.

  A. must not B. can't C. may not D. needn't



  43. The plants would have grown all right if she ____ them properly.

  A. had watered B. watered C. has watered D. waters



  44. All the evidence pointed to the conclusion ____ he was guilty.

  A. which B. that C. as D. so



  45. ____ she likes the present is not clear to me.

  A. If B. What C. Which D. Whether




  46. Fred, together with his friends, are planning a trip to the beach at the vacation.


  【试题点评】本题考查一致关系, are改为 is。

  47. Reading the novel, he returned to the library and borrowed another one.


  【试题点评】本题考查非谓语动词,reading 改为after reading。

  48. I don't feel like going out now: I'm not used to have a walk after dark.


  【试题点评】本题考查非谓语动词,have a walk 改为having a walk, be used to doing sth.为习惯,注意和used to do过去常常的区别。

  49. I don't know what was happened to him when he went home alone.


  【试题点评】本题考查动词时态语态,was happened改为happened。

  50.We think that impossible for them to work out those math problems within such a short time.


  【试题点评】本题考查从句常见错误,that 改为it,为形式宾语。

  51. It is very important for the strong man to know that whatever strong he is he cannot be the strongest.


  【试题点评】本题考查从句常见错误,whatever strong改为however strong 。

  52. I'm still unable to make myself understand in the discussion which worries me a lot.



  53. Though Dick is five years old this coming week, but he is still unable to speak.


  【试题点评】本题考查并列结构常见错误,去掉but, 因为though不能和but连用。

  54. The more learned a man is, and more modest he usually is.


  【试题点评】本题考查并列结构常见错误,and more modest改为the more modest, the more…, the more…为固定结构,越…,越…。

  55. The reason I cannot go with you is because I am really busy.



