


来源 :华课网校 2018-04-12

  Part B


  Read the following article in which five people talk about their ideas of dieting. For questions 61 to 65 , -match name of each speaker to one of the statements (A to C ) given below. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.


  You can always recognize dieters from the sour expression on their faces. They spend most of their time turning their noses up at food. They are forever consulting calorie charts, gazing at themselves in mirrors, and leaping on to weighing-machines in the bathroom. They spend a lifetime fighting a losing battle against spreading hips, protruding tummies and double chins. What a miserable lot dieters are!


  I began making some dietary and lifestyles changes during my second year of college and have been eating this way ever since. I like the way I feel when I don't eat animal foods so much more than the pleasure I used to get from eating them. I have much more energy; I need less sleep; I feel calmer; I can maintain an ideal body weight without worrying about how much I eat, and I can think more clearly.


  During my first year of college, I gained forty pounds when I began throwing the javelin. For the next twenty years, I carried all of this extra weight and kidded myself that I was in good shape since that's what I weighed in college. Now that I've lost all that extra weight, I feel great! People say all the time, "Well, how do you live without eating cheeseburgers or this or that?" and I say, "You just don't. It' s not even an option. It's not that hard once you get on it. "


  If you are on a diet, you're always hungry. You can't be hungry and happy at the same time. All the horrible concoctions you eat instead of food leave you permanently dissatisfied. A complete food it may be, but not quite as complete as juicy steak. So at least three times a day you will be exposed to temptation. How miserable to watch others tucking into piles of mouth-watering food while you munch a water biscuit and sip unsweetened lemon juice! And if hunger just proves too much for you, in the end you will lash out and devour five huge guilt-inducing cream cakes at a sitting. Then things will turn out to be even worse.


  I went on diet when my doctor told me that my blood pressure tended to be high. Only at that time did I realize the danger of being overweight. Since I began making dietary changes in 1982, eating this way has become increasingly accepted. I don't feel I've lost something after dieting. Instead, I've got something valuable. That is good health.

  Now match each of the persons to the appropriate statement.

  Note: there are two extra statements.


  61. Abbey [A] Being on a diet is a torture.

  62. Marlin [ B] I feel better with vegetarian food.

  63. Maggie [C] I lost weight after dieting.

  [ D] I began dieting for the sake of health.

  64. Belinda [E] Dieting enables people to enjoy life more.

  65. Wood [F] Dieting simply causes endless worries.

  [ G] Dieting does more harm than good to one' s health.

  Section IV Writing (40 minutes)

  You should write your responses to both parts on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  Part A

  66. Suppose you have got the news that the university of Science and Technology of China is offering a scholarship for chemistry majors and that you have just received an MS degree in chemistry and are eager to have a personal interview with Dr. Wu Han wei , the Chairman. Write a letter of application for the scholarship. Your letter should include:

  1. your performance at University

  2. your eagerness for the personal interview

  3. You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use “Wang Lin” instead. You do not need to write the address.

  Part B

  67. Write an essay of about 120 words on cell phone. Refer to the following points:

  1. explain the reasons why more people use cell phone nowadays

  2. Talk about the advantages or disadvantages of cell phones

  3. your conclusion


  26. A have a passion for sth “对——有强烈的感情、爱好”

  27. D look up to“仰慕、尊敬某人”, look forward“期盼,盼望”, look into“调查”, look upon“把——看作,把——视为”

  28. A willingly“愿意的”

  29. C run risk“冒险”(被动的处于危险之中), take a risk“冒险”,

  30. A give leisure to sth “把空闲时间用于——”

  31. D so + adj + a(n) + n., such + a(n)+ adj + n

  32. C 此处的含义为“不遵守规定登山会很危险”

  33. B It is —— that ——为强调句型

  34. A 文中的意思为“登山者们自由地选择登山的方法”。

  35. D compare with“与——比较”, contrast with“对比、对照”,指比较某一事物与另一事物,以显示它们的相异之处,表现明显的差别。

  36. D 连词that引导的从句作系动词 is的表语

  37. D between“在——之间”

  38. C depend on sb or sth“需要某人或某事的支持和帮助

  39. D strength“力量的强度”, power“运用能力或体力和脑力来做某事”, force“实施力量,产生行动或征服对手”。

  40. B mental“智力的”, physical“体力的”

  41. B year after year后应该选有“持续”之意的动词。

  42. C be + in + one's twenties 表示“在某人二十多岁时”

  43. A unusual “不寻常的”

  44. D 根据文章的含义,爬山者年龄大应该使用更多的时间。

  45. D shortage“短缺”, waste“浪费”

  46. A 第二段老板提到“是不是到另一家报纸去”根据此推测这是一家报社。

  47. C 第二段提到“假如留下,会有生活保障”从而推断若不离开未来生活无忧。

  48. C 第二段提到“我要离开公司去开一家新传媒公司”

  49. C 第二段提到“老板说从董事会那里得到的75%的消息都是坏消息”从而推断,报社商业处境艰难。

  50. C be in one's shoes 为“处于某人的地位”文中指老板赞同作者的看法,表示假如他处于和作者相同的情况,他自己也会做出相同的事。

  51. D 第二段“The possible explanation to the trouble is that Peter is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening”。

  52. A 第二段最后一句

  53. C 第三段“If your energy is low in the morning, but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour”。

  54. A 最后一段第一行

  55. B 文章开头提到可莱曼特博士有一种新的解释,证明每个人都有一个每日的能量周期,但是后文也提到了每人能解释这个周期。

  56. D 由第一段第一句话可推知。

  57. B 第一段最后一句“If this view is correct ——”表明作者只是引用这种现象并不确定其正确性。

  58. B offset补偿, make up for弥补, set up建立, catch up with赶上

  59. B 根据第二段第二句话“A drop of just a few degrees ——”可推知。

  60. C 文章是在讨论大气污染给人类带来的潜在影响。

  61-65 ABCGD


  Dear Dr. Wu,

  I have read the announcement in the newspaper that the University of Science and Technology of China is providing a scholarship in chemistry for the students. And I would like to apply for the scholarship.

  I received my MS degree in chemistry last year, and graduated with honors. I have worked as an assistant in the department of Chemistry on my university for two semesters. And in this letter I enclose my resume and a recommendation letter from my professor. I wish to have a personal interview with you at your earliest convenience.

  Yours sincerely,

  Wang Lin


  Cell Phone

  The brave new world of cell phones has finally arrived in China. The light weight, pocket-sized cell phones make our life more convenient, efficient and colorful. So nowadays there are more and more people liking to use them.

  Firstly, cell phones can facilitate communications. It is very convenient for us to get in touch people with cell phones. Wherever we are, if we want to talk to people, the only thing we need to do is to pick up a cell phone.

  Secondly, cell phones can make the businessmen's work more efficient. Some smart cell phones have the capacity of the computers; they can store and run simple programs. With the id of GPRS, people also can send or receive e-mail via cell phones.

  Lastly, we can entertain ourselves with cell phone. When you are bored, you can play the built-in java games, listen to radio or record a short video with your cell phone.

  I think cell phone plays an important part in our daily life. I wish with the help of cell phones our future life would be more convenient and beautiful.

