


来源 :华课网校 2016-07-06


  韧硬兼顾 to have both the quality of tenacity and hardness

  入口和醇 mild and mellow

  软硬适中 neither too hard nor too soft

  散热迅速 rapid heat dissipation

  色泽光洁,柔软防滑 lustrous, soft and antislippery

  色泽清澈 limpid in sight

  设计合理 professional design

  设计新颖 modern design

  生意兴隆 driving a roaring trade

  使用方便 easy to use

  使用极便 utmost in convenience

  使用寿命长久 long perfomance life

  岁末大减价 year-end bargain sale

  甜而不腻 agreeable sweetness

  外观色泽透明 bright and traslucent in appearance

  外型永葆如新 to ensur a like-new appearance indefinely

  维修简易 easy to repair

  味道纯正 good taste

  味鲜可口 agreeable to taste

  物价稳定 price remains stable

  夏季特别大减价 special summer sale

  香浓可口  aromatic character and agreeable taste

  香气馥郁 fragrant aroma

  香气高雅 elegant in smell

  香味纯和 pure and mild flavour

  香味浓郁 aromatic flavour; fragrant (in) flavour

