


来源 :华课网校 2020-10-06

  Bambi is a tasty book. Tasty not only for children but for those who are no longer so fortunate. For delicacy of perception(感觉细腻) and truth I hardly know any story of animals that can stand besides this life study of a forest deer. Felix Salten is a poet. He falls in love with nature deeply, and he loves animals. I do not, as a rule, like the method which places human words in the mouths of dumb(哑的) creatures, and it is the victory of this book that, behind the conversation, one feels the real feelings of the creatures who speak. Clear and inspiring, and in places very moving, it is a little masterpiece(杰作).

  I read it in galley proof(校样) on the way from Paris to Calais. As I finished each sheet I handed it to my wife, who read, and handed it to my nephews. For three hours the four of us read in this way in silent absorption(专注). Those who know what it is to read books in galley proof, and have experienced channel (隧道)crossings, will realize that few books will stand such a test. Bambi is one of them.

  1. Bambi is a book written about _______.

  A. children B. a forest deer C. Felix Salten D. those who are unfortunate

  2. Which of the following do you think is true?

  A. The book is interesting not only to children but also to others.

  B. The author of the book read the proof on his way from Paris to Calais.

  C. The book gives greater pleasure to children than to others.

  D. The writer of the passage didn’t want to read the book in galley proof, so he handed it to his wife.

  3. The author of the book used the method which _______.

  A. he didn’t like as a rule B. made animals talk like human beings

  C. others did not like D. other stories of animals could stand beside

  4. The writer and the other three _______.

  A. were fond of reading proof B. were absorbed in the book

  C. felt that the animals could talk D. thought the book was better than any other research of its kind

  5. According to the passage, we can conclude that _______.

  A. proof reading and channel crossings are very pleasant B. a poet can write books about animals better

  C. proof reading and channel crossings are very tiring D. it’s easy to write a book about animals


  1. B。细节题。根据文章第1段第3句I hardly know any story of animals that can stand besides this life study of a forest deer.可推知此题答案为B。

  2. A。细节题。根据文章第1段第2句Tasty not only for children but for those who are no longer so fortunate可推知此题答案为 A。

  3. B。细节题。根据文章第1段倒数第2句:我不喜欢动物说人话这种方法,但这本书,通过动物对话感觉到了动物的真实感情,可推知此题答案为B。

  4. B。细节题。根据文章第2段第3句For three hours the four of us read in this way in silent absorption可推知此题答案为B。

  5. C。细节题。文章第2段倒数第2句说:凡是有过校稿或过隧道经历的人都知道,这两种经历都令人感到枯燥乏味,所以很少有书会让人读校样就很入迷,据此可推知此题答案为C。

