


来源 :华课网校 2019-01-28


  第二部分 英语知识运用

  第一节 单项填空


  31. After school", I play basketball and she plays ________piano.

  A. a

  B. an

  C. the

  32. Nancy is not ________ famous in the United States, but also abroad.

  A. only

  B. As

  C. so

  33. I visited a friend of ________ in town and then caught a train home.

  A. Me

  B. My

  C. mine

  34. You are half an hour late. Try to come to class________ time tomorrow.

  A. On

  B. at

  C. by

  35. --Could you give me a few more minutes?

  - ________. Take your time.

  A.Not at all

  B. Certainly

  C. You' re welcome

  36. Jane lost ________ of bet car on the ice last night.

  A. Chance

  B. Interest

  C. control

  37. An old man is________ stories to the children on the grass.

  A. telling

  B. saying

  C. speaking

  38. Robert sat at the table with smokers on ________ side of him.

  A. all

  B. Both

  C. either

  39. I'm not________ sure whether Terry will come with us tomorrow evening.

  A. Already

  B. quite

  C. still

  40. She' s going to night school________ she can learn computer programming.

  A. what

  B. where

  C. which

  41. I' 11 call you this evening and let you________how she is.

  A. know

  B. knowing

  C. to know

  42. Mr. Smith began learning Chinese in his________.

  A. forty

  B. Forties

  C. fortieth

  43. She looked out of the window to see if it________.

  A. was raining

  B. has rained

  C. is raining

  44. Your paper is well ________ but it' s too long and you have to cut it short.

  A. to write

  B. Writing

  C. written

  45. John can help you with the food when he ________ cleaning the tables.

  A. will finish

  B. Finished

  C. finishes

  第二节 完形填空.


  The night before I was to have surgery(手术), Jeremy, my nine-year-old son,became worried.

  "I am worried 46 you, Mom. I' m afraid 47 the doctor might make a 48 "

  I told him that my surgery was not 49 and there was no need50.

  "But what if he makes a small mistake?" he asked.

  Then I told him that the doctor 51 years of experience(经验) and 52 small mistakes were impossible.

  "But what if he 53?" Jeremy asked.

  "Then he would be 54 a lot of trouble," I smiled.

  "You 55 we could get a lot of money from him," Jeremy brightened, "and I could get a new bike?"

  46.A. About

  B. with

  C. by

  47. A. what

  B. That

  C. if

  48. A. Mistake

  B. problem

  C. question

  49. A. Easy

  B. ready

  C. difficult

  50. A. Worried

  B. to worry

  C. worrying

  51. A. would have

  B. Had

  C. was having

  52. A. Only

  B. Even

  C. already

  53. A. does

  B. has

  C. will

  54. A. Under

  B. On

  C. in

  55. A. Mean

  B. Agree

  C. decide

