

来源 :中华考试网 2016-11-18

  It was rather cold that day, five below zero. We paid a yearly visit to my uncle. My uncle lived in the temperate zone. To get to his house, we needed to pass a zigzag path and crossed several zebra crossings. We parked our car in my uncle’s yard. My uncle had his youthful spirit at 65. He was fat and slow. and yet people liked him. But he hadn’t married as yet. My uncle showed great zeal to welcome us. We noticed something wrong with his leg. He explained he was going to hospital for an X-ray. He wasn’t the kind of person to yield to illness. After supper, we sat together, chatting. My uncle said a lot, such as yeast must be used in producing wine; a cow would yield several gallons of milk each day; one should eat some vegetables contained zinc and Fe; the trees in his garden would gave a high yield of fruit this year. His zealous but long speech made us yawn. Usually at this time. my uncle would yell at us to be careful. This time, my little son said, “Granduncle, can you write down what you said and I can xerox it.” Hearing this, all of us including my uncle break into laughter.

  那天天气很冷,零下五度。我们去每年一度的拜访我舅舅。我舅舅住在气候温和的地区。 要抵达他家,我们需要通过一条之字型的小路并且穿过数条斑马线。我们在舅舅的院子里停好车。舅舅65岁了,精神上依然年轻。他又胖又动作缓慢,可是人们都很喜欢他。但他到目前为止一直没有结婚。舅舅满怀热情地欢迎我们到来。我们注意到他的腿似有不便。他解释说他正准备到医院做x光检查。他不是那种向疾病屈服的人。晚饭后,我们坐到一块儿闲聊。舅舅的话很多,诸如酿酒一定要放酵母;一头奶牛每天能产几加仑的奶;每个人需要吃一些含有锌和铁的蔬菜;他花园里的果树今年会有高产量。他那热情但冗长的演讲让我们打哈欠。通常这个时候舅舅就会叫喊让我们注意听。这次我的小儿子说道:“舅公,你可不可以把你要说的写下来,这样我就可以复印了。”听到这里,我们所有的人,包括舅舅都忍不住大笑起来。

