


来源 :中华考试网 2018-03-22


  46. Very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very ________.

  A) obscure B) upsetting C) distant D) inferior

  47. I was ________ by their kindness and moved to tears.

  A) preoccupied B) embarrassed C) overwhelmed D) counseled

  48. The person who ________ this type of research deserves our praise.

  A) originated B) manufactured C) generated D) estimated

  49. He believed that the greatest of his ________ was that he’d never had a college education.

  A) grieves B) misfortunes C) disasters D) sorrows

  50. As a ________ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.

  A) flexible B) versatile C) sophisticated D) productive

  51. Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world, the ________ majority are inactive.

  A) tremendous B) demanding C) intensive D) overwhelming

  52. Although most dreams apparently happen ________, dream activity may be provoked by external influences.

  A) spontaneously B) simultaneously C) homogeneously D) instantaneously

  53. This kind of material can ________ heat and moisture.

  A) delete B) compel C) constrain D) repel

  54. Although he was on a diet, the food ________ him enormously.

  A) inspired B) tempted C) overcame D) encouraged

  55. Some fish have a greater ________ for acid water than others.

  A) tolerance B) resistance C) dependence D) persistence

  56. This is the ________ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.

  A) true B) original C) real D) genuine

  57. Since the two countries couldn’t ________ their differences, they decided to stop their negotiations.

  A) rectify B) oblige C) reconcile D) obscure

  58. Frankly speaking, your article is very good except for some ________ mistakes in grammar.

  A) obscure B) glaring C) trivial D) rare

  59. Franklin D. Roosevelt argued that the depression stemmed from the American economy’s ________ flaws.

  A) underlining B) vulnerable C) vulgar D) underlying

  60. Some studies confirmed that this kind of eye disease was ________ in tropical countries.

  A) prospective B) prevalent C) provocative D) perpetual

  61. The cultures of China and Japan hare shared many features, but each has used them according to its national ________.

  A) engagement B) destiny C) capacity D) temperament

  62. David tends to feel useless and unwanted in a society that gives so much ________ to those who compete well.

  A) prestige B) regime C) superiority D) legislation

  63. Starting with the ________ that there is life on the planet Mars, the scientist went on to develop his argument.

  A) foundation B) pretext C) premise D) presentation

  64. The Christmas tree was decorated with shining ________ such as colored lights and glass balls.

  A) luxuries B) ornaments C) exhibits D) complements

  65. Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly ________ to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather sensitive people.

  A) subjective B) subordinate C) liable D) vulnerable

  66. In some countries, students are expected to be quiet and ________ in the classroom.

  A) skeptical B) faithful C) obedient D) subsidiary

  67. There is no doubt that the ________ of these goods to the others is easy to see.

  A) prestige B) superiority C) priority D) publicity

  68. Although the model looks good on the surface, it will not bear close ________.

  A) temperament B) contamination C) scrutiny D) symmetry

  69. Once you get to know your mistakes, you should ________ them as soon as possible.

  A) rectify B) reclaim C) refrain D) reckon

  70. Many scientists remain ________ about the value of this research program.

  A) skeptical B) stationary C) spacious D) specific

  71. The prison guards were armed and ready to shoot if ________ in any way.

  A) intervened B) incurred C) provoked D) poked

  72. As the trial went on, the story behind the murder slowly ________ itself.

  A) convicted B) released C) haunted D) unfolded

  73. Retirement is obviously a very complex ________ period; and the earlier you start planning for it, the better.

  A) transformation B) transmission C) transaction D) transition

  74. We work to make money, but it’s a ________ that people who work hard and long often do not make the most money.

  A) paradox B) prejudice C) dilemma D) conflict

  75. A big problem in learning English as a foreign language is lack of opportunities for ________ interaction with proficient speakers of English.

  A) instantaneous B) provocative C) verbal D) dual

  76. They used to quarrel a lot, but now they are completely ________ with each other.

  A) negotiated B) reconciled C) associated D) accommodated

  77. There are occasions when giving a gift ________ spoken communication, since the message it offers can cut through barriers of language and cultural diversity.

  A) overtakes B) nourishes C) surpasses D) enforces

  78. Coffee is the ________ of this district and brings local farmers a lot of money.

  A) elite B) majority C) spice D) staple

  79. The boxer ________ and almost fell when his opponent hit him.

  A) scattered B) shattered C) staggered D) stamped

  80. A ________ official is one who is irresponsible in his work.

  A) slack B) tedious C) timid D) suspicious

  81. Any salesperson who sells more than the weekly ________ will receive a bonus.

  A) portion B) allocation C) ratio D) quota

  82. He could not ________ ignorance as his excuse; he should have known what was happening in his department.

  A) plead B) resort C) petition D) reproach

  83. Without any hesitation, she took off her shoes, ________ up her skirt and splashed across the stream.

  A) tucked B) revolved C) twisted D) curled

  39. Weight lifting, or any other sport that builds up your muscles, can make bones become denser and less ________ to injury.

  A) attached B) prone C) immune D) reconciled

  40. Optimism is a ________ shown to be associated with good physical health, less depression and longer life.

  A) trail B) trait C) trace D) track

  41. He was given major responsibility for operating the remote manipulator to ________ the newly launched satellite.

  A) retreat B) retrieve C) embody D) embrace

  42. An effort was launched recently to create the first computer ________ of the entire human brain.

  A) repetition B) repression C) saturation D) simulation

  43. The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many ________ references.

  A) obscure B) acute C) notable D) objective

  44. Foreign students are facing unprecedented delays, as visa applications receive closer ________ than ever.

  A) appraisal B) scanning C) retention D) scrutiny

  45. Back in the days when people traveled by horse and carriage, Karl Benz ________ the world with his extraordinary three-wheeled motor vehicle.

  A) inhibited B) extinguished C) quenched D) stunned

