


来源 :中华考试网 2017-03-15

  6. Many critics of Family Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,where a "romantic" reading receives more confirmation. (5)

  研究艾米丽。勃朗特(Emily Bronte)小说《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights)的许多文学评论家,将小说的第二部分视作一种对比物,即使没有将第一部分予以逆转的话,也是在对第一部分作出一种诠释评判,而在小说第一部分中,一种“浪漫的”的读解能获得更为充分的确证。


  解释:上面的翻译中为了符合中文习惯不得不把修饰the first part的where引导的定语从句翻译到中括号以外。本句主要难在两个地方,一个是插入语if it does not reverse如何理解,另一个是counterpoint的意思是什么。产生,插入语的位置比较讨厌,把comments on the first part这样一个连贯的说法割成两段,增加了阅读的难度。而且它的意思容易理解错;if既可以理解成如果的意思,也可以理解成即使的意思。如果理解成即使的意思,则上下文的意思则要理解成即使不反对第一部分,也要给予第一部分一个负面的评论。然而此处不能这样理解,因为 that 之前的 counterpoint 的意思不是相反、对立,而是指和谐的组成部分的意思。这个词来源于一个音乐术语,指音乐中的对位法、旋律配合,引伸为形容两个不同的东

  西彼此和谐一致,同义词是harmony。因此文中的if it does not reverse 的意思是假如不反对第一部分,则是与第一部分和谐一致的评论的意思。这种情况下,插入语纯属废话。

  意群训练:Many critics of Family Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,where a "romantic" reading receives more confirmation.

  7. Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presence does(15) encourage attempts to unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts. (4+)

  诚然,这些因素的存在并不能证明作者对小说架构的意识可与亨利。詹姆斯(Henry James)的那种意识相比拟;然则,任何力图将小说所有形形色色的因素统一起来的做法,在某种程度上注定是无法令人信服的。 Granted that:大家都统一、当然,表让步,=admitted , of course.难句类型:复杂修饰、抽象词


  Granted that出现在句首,其意思是大家都同意、当然,实际上是一种让步语气,等于admitted,of course。Need not argue中的argue在此不是表示常用的那个辩论、争论的意思,而是表示意味着或证实的意思,其同义词是maintain或prove。Camparable的词义有两个,除了读者熟悉的that can be compared之外,还有一个意思是worthy of comparison,其同义

  词是 as good as。本文中用的是后面的那个意思,对于这个词义的理解,后面的第 18 题考到了。

  意群训练:Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presence does(15) encourage attempts to unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts.

  8. This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis(although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger),but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant

  elements of undeniable power that,ultimately,resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. (5)



  解释:本句的两个插入语虽然有一些干扰性,但是最为主要的难点在于成批出现的抽象词,interpretation/necessarily/stiffen/thesis/rigidity/recalcitrant/element/undeniable/power/ultimately/resist/inclusion/all-encompassing等。据笔者估测,对于初学GRE 或GMAT的学习者而言,在一句话中出现了三个心上的抽象词就会使阅读理解造成障碍,而这句话中出现了十三个这样的单词,读不懂也不足为怪。

  意群训练: :This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis(although rigidity in any

  interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger),but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that,ultimately,resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation.

  9. The isotopic composition of lead often varies from one source of common copper ore to another,with variations exceeding the measurement error;and preliminary studies indicate virtually uniform is topic composition of the lead from a single copper-ore source. (4)



  解释:本句是一个怪异的现象的典型例子:句子的结构谈不上复杂,所用单词也不难,但是除非读者有理工科的科研(最好是材料科学的科研)背景,否则句子虽然能够得读下来,但是却搞不清句子说的是什么意思。首先,句子中出现的一些词汇虽然也都比较常见,但是在理科文章中出现,就有了专有名词的意味,同时还带有很抽象学术含义,笔者称之为专业抽象词,如isotopic composition;source;variation;measurement error;preliminary study等。认识这些单词,并不意味着懂得它们在文章的意义和作用。比如说measurement error,大家都可以望文生义地理解成测量错误、测量误差,但是在对文章的阅读中这种字面上的理解是远远不够的。其实此处强调的并不是测量中出现的错误和毛病,而是指那些每次测量都会发生的、永远也无法避免的、在测量值和实际值之间的正常的差异。因此,本句话的真实含义也难以理解。句子只是罗列了一堆事实,而作者真正想说的意思是什么呢?其实variations exceeding the measurement error的言外之意是这些不同variations是真正有意义的不同,而不是试验的误差;那么不同矿源的铜矿的铅同位素成分真的不同,相同的矿源的铅同位素几乎相同,就


  意群训练:The isotopic composition of lead often varies from one source of common copper ore to another,with variations exceeding the measurement error;and preliminary studies indicate virtually uniform is topic composition of the lead from a single copper-ore source.

  10. More probable is bird transport,either externally,by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers,or internally,by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds. (3+)



  解释:句首有一个倒装,正常语序是bird transport is more probable。后面的句子中由于插入部分的频繁出现使句子显得十分凌乱。

  意群训练:More probable is bird transport,either externally,by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers,or internally,by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds.


