


来源 :中华考试网 2017-03-15


  例 2. Modern scientific and technical books, especially textbooks, requires revision at short ◎intervals if their authors wish to keep pace with new ideas, observations and discoveries.

  对于现代书籍, 特别是教科书来说, 要是作者希望自己书中的内容能与新概念、新观察到的事实和新发现同步发展的话, 那么就应该每隔较短的时间, 将书中的内容重新修改。

  例 3. Taking his cue from Ibsen`s A Doll`s House, in which the heroine, Nora, leaves home becauseshe resents her husband`s treating her like a child, the writer Lu Xun warned that Nora would needmoney to support herself; she must have economic rights to survive.

  易卜生的剧作《玩偶之家》中的女主人公娜拉离家出走, 因为她憎恶她的丈夫像对待孩子一样来对待她。作家鲁迅从中得到启示, 从而告诫人们娜拉得需要钱来养活自己, 她要生存就必须有经济上的权利。

  例 4. Up to the present time, throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this new ◎tendency placed the home in the immediate suburbs, but concentrated manufacturing activity, business relations, government, and pleasure in the centers of the cities.

  到目前为止, 经历了 18 和 19 两个世纪, 这种新的倾向是把住宅安排在城市的近郊, 而把生产活动、商业往来、政府部门以及娱乐场所都集中在城市的中心地区。

