


来源 :中华考试网 2018-05-16



  国际旅游导致更多偏见International travel makes people prejudiced rather than broad-minded. do you agree or disagree?




  减少了偏见: 1. 在国际旅行中,游客能近距离的观看国外的文化和历史,如建筑,歌剧,文学,这些让人们了解到国外文化的伟大,最终帮助他们开始欣赏和尊重文化的多样性,而不是简单的恐惧和排斥。 2. 在国际旅行中,游客能发现国外生活方式的共通性,比如美国人去俄罗斯后发现原来那边的年轻人也喜欢可口可乐,好莱坞电影,迈克尔杰克逊,这种实际的生活体验消除了过去政府强加在人们脑海中的俄罗斯是妖魔鬼怪的错误观念,最终,这种可分享的生活经验消除了人们之间的代沟,让人们彼此更亲密,更能相互理解和信任。增加了国际紧张: 1. 在一个完全陌生的文化环境中,游客们会做出很多文化碰撞的事情,如饮食,穿着,行事风格,这些会造成当地人的误解和愤怒。 2. 游客的到来会扰乱当地人的生活,他们会带来噪音,垃圾,破坏了当地的环境和安宁。 3. 游客会带来异国的病菌和病毒,当地人的免疫系统对此毫无抵抗能力,造成疾病流行,如SARS。 4. 游客会消耗当地的自然资源,导致当地生活出问题。


  In the present case, international travel is booming because of the progress of long-distance flight. Many people believe that there is a huge concern behind this global movement that tourists might trap them into bias and conflicts against destination country triggered by cultural shocks. In my opinion, this contention is indefensible; it underestimates the possibility of furthering cross-culture understanding in traveling and its consequent merits. Admittedly, there are two main reasons for supporting the argument of traveling making prejudices. Firstly, international trip puts tourists in a completely strange culture environment filled with unfamiliar and unknown local manners, lifestyles, ways of speaking and thinking or religious taboos. With the ignorance of these different cultural factors, foreign tourists are very likely to do some "misconducts" violating regional cultural regulations or concepts, which, in turn, provoke misunderstanding, tension and hatred between travelers and local residents. Moreover, another factor incurring a strong complaint from foreign tourists has much to do with the unfair policy that foreigners are charged more. For example, in some undeveloped countries, it is very common that a western tourist is asked to pay fees twice or even triple as much as local people, for dinning, housing, admission ticket and shopping. In their eyes, charge difference amounts to mistreatment, injustice and disrespect, all of which show contempt for them. The last thing that irritates tourists is the collection of museums in destination country. Actually, in British museum, a lot of precious exotic antiques like porcelain from China or monuments from Egypt which were stolen or robbed by British army in the 19th century, are publicly deployed and exhibited. When travelers from these countries watch these items which could belong to their cultures, depression, disgrace, rage, resentment would come into their minds immediately. In a broader sense, however, cross-border traveling does open the minds of people, in terms of its function in eliminating cultural barriers. In retrospect of history, it is evident that too many violence and wars between countries stem from fear and misreading to cultural and religious differences, and which can be removed by practical visiting. In an international trip in another country, visitors can learn distinctions and commons between languages, behaviors, faiths, moralities by closely looking at, listening to and talking to local people. Similarly, the experience of watching, touching and enjoying local food, arts, architectures, rituals, TV programs, historical places and modern urban districts also helps tourists to learn to appreciate and revere local traditions and lifestyles. By this way, the mind of tourists will be more open, flexible, and patient, rather than parochial, hostile and aggressive.(426字)

