


来源 :中华考试网 2017-07-20


  No.1 Some people believe that culture will be ruined if it is used to earntourism revenue, but others consider that tourism is the only way of protectinga culture. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.旅游业保护文化还是破坏文化


  旅游业有益文化保护(cultural preservation)的论点:

  1) 除了自然景观( landscape )之外,文化和历史是吸引旅游者去一个国家或者一个旅游景点 ( tourism site )观光的最主要原因 ( motivator );旅游业和文化遗产相结合( integrate tourism and cultural heritage )为文化保护提供了经济支持 ( economic incentives );

  2) 在文化领域提供一些旅游选择 ( introduce thetourism options available with the cultural sectors ),如博物馆、历史景点、活动和美食等 ( including museums, historical sites, events and cuisine ),游客会深入了解当地传统和习俗 ( get an insight into local customs and traditions ),感受当地传统和艺术 ( experience local traditions, arts and heritage ),从而更加尊重当地社区和周围的环境 ( respect the host community and its environment) 促进(promote=facilitate= boost= further= gear up = encourage )不同国家之间关于自然和文化资源保护的交流与对话 ( the dialogue over conservation of natural and cultural resources)。

  旅游业导致文化破坏 ( cultural destruction ) 的观点:

  1) 保护的是一般食物、时尚、节日等 ( preserve food,fashion, festivals and so forth ) 一些文化的表面特征 (superficial elements of a culture) ,将文化定格成表演者 (freezeculture as performers ) ,导致了文化、宗教、传统仪式、物质文化和语言的损失 ( theloss of culture, religions, rituals, material culture and language) ;将文化商业化 ( commercialize the culture) ,破坏了文化神圣和独特的本质( erode the sacred ['seɪkrɪd] and unique nature ) ;虽然很多活动是娱乐活动 ( entertain, ratherthan educate tourists ),但有些是对当地人的一种羞辱 ( humiliate thelocal people );

  2) 垃圾、涂鸦、破坏和噪音不断增加 ( increasinglitter, graffiti ([grə'fiːtɪ]), vandalism (故意毁坏文物的行为;破坏他人财产的行为) and noise ),游客在没有被允许的情况下进入建筑物、神殿、神圣的土地 ( enter buildings, shrines or sacred lands without permission ),这都与当地文化相冲突(collide with, clash, conflict ),是一种文化侮辱 (an insult to the local culture )。


  尊重当地社区和周围的环境 respect the host community

  文化侮辱 an insult to the local culture

  生态系统 the ecosystem


