


来源 :中华考试网 2017-12-05

  重复年份 20160109A 20140515

  题材 自然环境

  题型 判断 7+简答 6

  文章大意 澳洲的气候变化无常,所以那里的生物需要很强的应变能力。有一种 P 鸟可以知道什么地方什么时候下雨,可以提前飞去找水喝。当地人为了狩猎把森林烧掉,另一种要吃 salt bush 的鸟就因此灭绝了。欧洲人来了之后大量种植 wheat,Emu 喜欢吃,所以繁殖很快。





  1.Aboriginal 做了什么来方便他们打猎 lit fire

  2. G 鸟灭绝的原因:salt bush

  3. Emu 吃 wheat

  文章题目 The power of music

  重复年份 20160109A 20131212*

  题材 艺术

  题型 段落信息配对 5+填空 4+人名配对 4

  文章大意 音乐对人的影响。讲到了音乐的作用,与大脑的联系,不同映月表达出来的




  Entertainment isn't the whole story

  Here in the West, we think of music as entertainment, or an accompaniment to

  entertainment. Most of us can't remember life without phonograph records,cassette tapes or Compact Discs and the artists we all have listened to on them.The great majority of radio stations exist to play music, and there is hardly aminute on TV - other than news shows - that doesn't have theme music,background music or commercial music. But as much as we enjoy different kinds of music, it is all of one purpose: to entertain. We have The Music Business and The Entertainment Business. Why else would we listen to music besides entertainment? In the past, and in other parts of the world today, there are definitely other reasons. The classical Master Beethoven, for example, was justly famous for being able to evoke specific emotions in his listeners, and wrote pieces that we still listen to today to evoke joy, sadness, loss and return. His piano sonata Les Adieux couldn't be clearer if he had written a short story: two lovers part, they experience their loneliness, but are joyfully reunited in the last movement. The ability of music to evoke emotions is its first and most obvious power, and we shall return to it again.

  Physical and mental effects

  Some types of music can relax us. After a stressful work day, classical music, certain types of jazz, or our favorite ballad singer can physically relax our bodies and distract our minds from the cares of the day - at least for a while. On the other hand, loud, fast music with a strong beat can exhilarate (or bother) us. In fact, sometimes we may prefer one kind of music or artist, and at other times that's the last thing we want to listen to. So we have all experienced music's physical and mental effects on us at one time or another. In fact, the mental effect is so strong at times, a few lines from a song can keep running through our minds despite our efforts to ignore them or make them stop.

