


来源 :中华考试网 2019-02-19


  Section One

  场次 20111105 2007

  场景 保险理赔

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 女的家里窗户被风吹坏,打电话给保险公司索赔

  1. 电话号码:9981444(后面读作 fourteen double four)

  2. 保险公司名称:Advance Insurance Co. 3. 保险 type: Building insurance

  4. 保险 level: Super level

  5. 然后是说一阵风把哪里的窗户吹开了,kitchen door 坏了

  6. 那里有三个窗只有 middle 的坏了

  7. 投保人的 son 看到了事情的经过

  8. 最后什么时候来修,next Wednesday

  9. 什么时间 8.00 am

  10. 问什么时候能修好,10th February

  Section Two

  场次 2016031 20120811 2008

  场景 公司招聘

  题型 选择 1 填空 9

  内容概述 关于太平洋制衣公司 Pacific Clothing Firm 招聘介绍,先说服务行业竞


  选择 1:

  1.服装行业竞争的重点 in order to succeed, clothing firms should: 选:(B. sell new product)

  填空 9:

  需要的职位 three types of professions the firm is looking for:

  2. designers

  3. accountants

  4. engineers

  要求员工的技能 the firm plans to recruit employees who are:

  5. clever 另一版本:collaborative

  6. loyal

  7. hard-working

  Section Three

  场次 20160110 20141018

  题型 单选 4 配对 6

  内容概述 艺术和音乐在医院里的应用 art and live music in hospitals

  单选 4

  21 previous hospital put the art and music focused on. A children B patient who have psychological problems. C medical staffs in the hospital

  2 What the response from the staff when the arts was used as medical tool?

  Firstly the staff dislike it

  3 Why not let patients themselves turn on the music?


  4 Woman's attitude of the new hospital?

  surprised it is less convenient for staff

  配对 6

  A Patients spend less time in the hospital

  B patients who arc more cooperative

  C art and music have little impact on the patients D

  patients who concern more on details

  E patients whose blood pressure and heart beat rate arc average F

  patients who ask for less medication

  G visual arts have more impact on the patients

  5 postnatal clinic - B

  6 Trauma and Dissociation - C

  7 Day surgery clinic - E

  8 Children's clinic - A

  9 emergency - F

  10 gynecology clinic - G

  Section Four

  场次 20150613 20110606 201106 2008

  学科 蜜蜂功能

  题型 填空 6 单选 4

  内容概述 蜜蜂用什么来 navigation 以及这个功能在人类身上的应用帮助盲人等,蜜蜂



  单选 4

  1. The amazing part is

  C small brain (bees can fly smoothly even though they have very small brain)

  2. How do people distinguish one bee form another?

  B color stripes ( by looking for signs in different colors on bees’ body)

  3. Wings clings

  B a sign applied to their bodies ( the science stick a sign under wings)

  4. Choose we can calculate the distance ( we can know how far the bee can fly

  by knowing the time it flies)

  表格填空 6

  ( it talks about the current problems and advantages of road detection)

