2017年12月9日雅思听力小范围预测:Section One
来源 :中华考试网 2017-12-01
中Section One
场次 20150212 20130829 20101127 2007
场景 其他
题型 填空 10
内容概述 注册驾照和保险
填空 10
1. town
3. softwares
4. distance
6. 14.40
7. soup
8. shop
9. free parking
10. Name :WHRRGHU
Section One
场次 20140111 20131212 20100605
场景 旅游咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 旅游度假咨询
填空 10
1.Type of holiday: surfing
2.Meal : includes breakfast
3.Facilities : gym
4.价格: 360
5. A shared room
6. Type of insurance : Basic
7.价格: 75
8. Price : 42.50
9. Cheapest transport : taxi
10. Pay by : cheque
Section One
场次 20160227 20120512
场景 投诉
题型 填空 10
内容概述 订机票和投诉处理,抱怨航空公司不允许带两个以上小孩
填空 10
1. Name: Quigley
2. She wants to buy 4 tickets return tickets
3 . leaving at 12:30 am
4. The words on the website page: error message
5. can only take 2 children (但她有三个孩子,5 岁、8 岁和 11 岁)
6. under 12 years old (12 岁以上要收费)
7. She thinks it is unfair for huge families and school group
8. children need less food
9. letter to go to the manager
10. GDK8422