来源 :中华考试网 2017-12-01
Section One
场景 保险咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 买保险
填空 10
1. Type of insurance: Standard
2. Length: 2 years;
3. Name: Galoway
4. work telephone: 033835071
5. oppucation: student
6. broken window
7. by a smash
8. camera: $2000
9. antique ring: $2100
10. carpet
场景 活动咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 某家长咨询保护野生鸟类项目(wild birds)
填空 10:
1. 协会的资金援助方式:fees and donations
2. 协助此协会做鸟的 record
3. 举了个例,还可以 guard birds’ breeding
4. 年费:孩子的费用 16/year,然后 family 的费用是 54/year,
5. 协会还会组织一些 competitions and outdoor games
6. 协会组织的活动有 guide
7. 有一个特殊的 pack,里面有些纪念品,卷子上给了个 T-shirt, 让填中间的一个,是 poster
5. 付费方式为两种:by post or by phone
6. 日期:25th August application arrive by 25th of Aug 如果他想给他的侄女送生日礼物gift membership
Section Two
场次 20141113
场景 课程介绍
题型 单选 6,配对 4
内容概述 安排游泳课
单选 6
11. occasionally pain in neck
12. B. Hand's movement
13. ii Pay attention too much on enjoyment
14. B. 5
15. A. 6 weeks
16. B. $45
配对 4
17 Breath over the water in 4 weeks—A
18. Can learn swimming after first four lessons—C
19. Swim with instructor—A
20. Head under the water in the first week—B
场景 场馆介绍
题型 填空 6,单选 4
内容概述 女导游介绍电视塔
单选 4:
11. 集合地点:A parking place,B wait at ticket desk,C back of the entrance
12. 天晴的时候能从塔上看到什么,选 B HILL
13. people feel proud about the symbol B landmark
14. 这个塔 begin to be used as 什么选 B conference centre,接着是一张塔的图片,有 8
个左右的功能,包括 cinema,indoor,outdoor,shop,post,cafe 等
填空 6:
15. glass floor 玻璃地面,可以俯瞰下方
16. 有一个餐厅 restaurant,你可以吃饭休息,外面有个 art gallery 艺术画廊
17.有 weather observing,
18. post office 可以买卡片寄给家人
19. indoor 观景台
20. 是 cinema,在这里可以看到激动人心的 film
Section Three
场次 20140816 20111029 20100415 2008
题型 填空 7,配对 3
内容概述 观察鲸鱼 observation of whales
填空 7
21.Watch Time(观察的次数,原文说 the time of watch)
22.问题是 State of sea eg: calm(风平浪静),or choppy(波涛汹涌) etc.
23.visibility 能见度:nearest 100 metres 能见度 visibility 女的先说 50 米,男的说一百米比较好
24.the presence of fishing boats 他们说还要看看有没有船
26.behavior 给出了 appearance 然后女的说还有 behavior
27.size 是 group size
Section Three
场次 20141002
题型 多选,4,配对 6
内容概述 两个学生讨论问题
配对 6
21-26 GDHECA
The course list
Crisis management 21. University
Monitoring progress 22. Manchester
Program assessment 23. Liverpool
Teambuilding 24. Leeds
Leadership skills 25. Glasgow
Budget management 26. Cardiff
finding investment
Section Four
场次 20161119 20140927
学科 心理学
题型 填空 10
内容概述 economic and trust 经济学和信托基金
填空 10:
31. Trust rely on kindness
32. Reduce poverty
33. Paying attention to face (hard in laboratory)
34. Involve a condition
35. sometimes be measurable
36. Animals send out oxytocin when interaction occurs
37. First participant send out money. Second participants have no obligation to
38. First participants don't have expectation of receiving money
39. have higher oxytocin levels
40. improve corporations social glue