


来源 :中华考试网 2016-11-04

11. I don’t have a job. I would find one but I no time.

A. had B. didn’t have

C. had had D. have

选D。解此类题时,必须从题干中的暗示入手。I don’t have a job 告诉我们现在的状况,再由I would find one 可知是对现在的虚拟,因此,but后的句子应该是现在的事实。故用一般现在时。

12. In the power plant more than of the workers are out strike.

选A。twelve 的序数词形式为twelfth;分数表达法中的分子大于1时,分母用复数,on strike = 在罢工。

13. The traveler didn’t know ______which direction to go.

A. in B. at C. to D. /

选A。表示“朝……方向去”,用介词in 而不用to。

14. The pen I I is on my desk, right under my nose.

A. think; lost B. thought; had lost

C. think; had lost D. thought; have lost

选B。句意为:我以为已丢了的钢笔却在我的桌子上,就在眼皮底下。thought 是过去时,“笔丢失了”是在“thought”之前,所以用过去完成时。

15. The customer didn’t choose______of the coats and went away without looking at a third one.

A. both B. all

C. any D. either

选D。not与both, all 连用为部分否定,与any either 连用为完全否定。且两个coats 不可用all,故据题意,应用完全否定。

16. Mr Smith, of the speech, started to read a novel.

A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored

C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring

选A。tired of…是过去分词短语作状语,boring 是现在分词作定语。

17. ---Is anything _____?

---I can’t decide which dress I should wear at my friend’s wedding party.

---I don’t think it ____.

A. the matter; the matter B. matter; matters

C. the matter; matters D. matter; the matter

选C。 当matter作表语时前应有冠词; “ don’t think it matters” 意为“我认为那不重要”。

18. Playing football and watching TV _____ both interesting.

A. were B. was C. are D. is

选C 。不定式短语或动词短语作主语时,谓语动词应用单数,然而此题中and 连接了两个动名词短语, 因此谓语动词要用单数,故答案为C.

19. It must be he that has stolen Mr. Smith’s purse, _____?

A. hasn’t he B. isn’t he

C. mustn’t it D. isn’t it

选D。强调句型的反意疑问句,现在或将来用isn’t it?过去用wasn’t it?

20. In which play is _____ your brother appear?

A. that where B. this when C. it that D. it where

选C 。It is … that是用强调句中,被强调部分是in which play。

