


来源 :中华考试网 2016-02-24

  The China Daily newspaper group is looking for English-language senior business editors,senior copy editors,copy editors and graphic designers to strengthen its international team.We offer a competitive salary package,free accommodation with utilities paid for,90 per cent medical reimbursement,a seven-day paid leave,elevenday public holidays and a return ticket to the country of residence.

  Senior Business Editor

  You must:

  assist the business editor in setting goals and working on achieving them;

  be an excellent team person who can generate ideas and think creatively and be able to rewrite totally if needed and mentor junior staff;

  ideally have been working or have worked in a position of responsibility and understand what leadership entails;

  have had at least five years’ editing experience working on editing the Business Desk and be familiar with industry software.

  Senior Copy Editor

  You must:

  work on shifts in the Business Desk and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;

  edit or rewrite copy and give snappy headlines and captions;

  have had at least two years’ editing experience working on editing desks and be familiar with industry software.

  Copy Editor

  You must:

  be good at editing or rewriting copy and writing snappy headlines and captions;

  be able to work on shifts for different pages,and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;

  have two years of editing experience working on copy desks,and be familiar with industry software.

  Graphic Designer

  You must:

  have excellent skills in information graphics;

  be good at illustrations and freehand drawings;

  be experienced in newspaper or magazine layouts;

  have a good sense of typography;

  have good news judgment;

  be well-versed with Macintosh software, including InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop;

  be fluent in English.

  For enquiries or to apply,write to job @ chinadaily.com.cn.

  .What is the purpose of this passage?

  A.To describe the positions of the China Daily newspaper group.

  B.To describe the working conditions of the China Daily newspaper group.

  C.To advertise for recruiting some good employees.

  D.To tell you how to become part of this group.

  7.What is not required about Graphic Designer?

  A.Be well-versed with Photoshop.

  B.Have excellent skills in information graphics.

  C.Having a good sense of typography.

  D.Writing snappy headlines and captions.

  .How many positions need editing experience?

  A.2. B.1. C.3. D.4.

  .Which can be the title of the advertisement?

  A.China Daily:New Employees Wanted

  B.China Daily:Newspaper

  C.China Daily:An International Team

  D.China Daily:The Best Working Condition

  .Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Free accommodations are available to the workers.

  B.The workers there can enjoy a seven-day leave without pay.

  C.The employees have the right to enjoy elevenday public holidays.

  D.The senior business editor’s only job is to help the business editor to set goals.


  .答案 C

  解析 推理判断题。纵观全文,尤其是文章的第一段可以看出,这是一则广告,其目的就是向社会公开招聘English¬language senior business editors,senior copy editors,copy

  editors and graphic designers 4个岗位上的员工。由此可以判断,答案是C项。

  .答案 D

  解析 细节理解题。由Graphic Designer的招聘要求可以看出:Writing snappy headlines

  and captions并非Graphic Designer所要求具备的。

  .答案 C

  解析 细节理解题。前三个职位的叙述中都提到了对“editing experience”的要求,只有最后一个岗位没有这方面的要求,故C项为正确答案。

  .答案 A

  解析 标题判断题。文章第一段已点明了文章的主旨与目的,就是要招聘人员,所以A项所说的“中国日报社招聘员工”最能概括全文的大意,故可排除其他三项。

  .答案 C

  解析 细节理解题。由第一段的叙述可以看出,员工可以“享受11天的公共假期”。



  Cyberspace,data superhighway,multimedia,for those who have seen the future,and the linking of computers,televisions and telephones will change our lives for ever.Yet for all the talks of a forthcoming technological utopia,little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor.As for all the new high technology,the West concerns itself with the “how”,while the question of “for whom” is put aside once again.

  Economists are only now realizing the full extent to which the communication revolution has affected the world economy.Information technology allows the extension of trade across geographical and industrial boundaries,and transnational corporations take full advantage of it. Terms of trade and exchange, interest rates and money movements are more important than the production of goods.The electronic economy made by information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global markets — with a destructive impact on the have-nots.

  For them the result is unstable. Developing countries which rely on the production of a small range of goods for export are made to feel like small parts in the international economic machine. As “futures” are traded on computer screens, developing countries simply have less and less control of their destinies.

  So what are the options of regaining control?One alternative for developing countries is to buy in the latest computers and telecommunications. Yet this leads to long-term dependency and perhaps permanent constraints on developing countries’ economies.

  Communication technology is generally exported from the US, Europe or Japan;the patents, skills and ability remain in the hands of a few industrialized countries. It is also expensive, therefore imported products and services must be bought on credit usually provided by the very countries whose companies stand to gain.

  11. From the passage we know that the development of high technology is in the interests of________.

  A.the rich countries B.scientific development

  C.the local elites D.the world economy

  .It can be inferred from the passage that________.

  A.international trade should be expanded

  B.the interests of the poor countries have not been given enough consideration

  C.the exports of the poor countries should be increased

  D.communication technology in developing countries should be modernized

  13.Why does the author say that the electronic economy may have a destructive impact on developing countries?

  A.Because it enables the developed countries to control the international market.

  B.Because it destroys the economic balance of the poor countries.

  C.Because it violates the national boundaries of the poor countries.

  D.Because it inhibits the industrial growth of developing countries.

  .The development of modern communication technology in developing countries may________.

  A.hinder their industrial production

  B.cause them to lose control of their trade

  C.force them to reduce their share of exports

  D.cost them their economic independence

  15.The author’s attitude towards the communication revolution is________.

  A.positive B.critical

  C.indifferent D.tolerant


  . 答案 A

  解析 考查推理判断。文章第一段最后一句指出,西方国家关心的是自己“如何”利用


  .答案 B

  解析 考查推理判断。文章第一段第二句指出“...little attention has been given to...the poor”,即很少有人注意这些发展对穷人的意义。而由后文的论述可以看出这里的“穷人”指的就是发展中国家,因此这句话的意思实际上就是这些发展并没有顾及发展中国家的利益。

  .答案 A

  解析 考查细节理解。根据第二段最后一句“...allows the haves to increase their control

  on global markets...”以及后文的论述可以看出,这里的“the haves”指的就是西方发达


  .答案 D

  解析 考查细节理解。文章第四段最后一句说“Yet this leads to long-term dependency...

  economies (然而这会导致长期的依赖,也许会对发展中国家的经济产生永久性的制


  .答案 B

  解析 考查作者态度。本题较为简单,通过文中措辞,如第一段“little attention has...for

  the poor”;第二段“Economists are only now realizing...”;第三段“For them the result is


