


来源 :中华考试网 2016-11-11

31.A.reminded B.interrupted

C.told D.criticized

解析:根据前文“I'm ________ that some day you would receive an invitation and...”可知,这位年轻人打断了Luca的讲话。


32.A.book B.case

C.letter D.note

解析:根据后文“...you sent me the real invitation?”可知,此处说的是:邀请信。


33.A.admitted B.knew

C.realized D.believed

解析:根据后文“He also realized...”可知,此处说的是:Luca意识到他的梦想在自己的家里已经实现。


34.A.support B.appear

C.open D.exist



35.A.final B.way

C.list D.island





After 859 days and 6,000 miles,British explorer Ed Stafford became the first man to walk the entire length of the Amazon.He started in Peru,and finished his adventure as he reached the Maruda beach in Brazil.

Mr. Stafford dropped at the side of the road a few hours before reaching his final destination.But he just stood up and made it to the Maruda beach on Brazil's northern coast,accompanied by Sanchez Rivera,31,who had been his partner during the last five months of the whole journey.

Mr. Stafford,who always knew that it was possible to walk along the Amazon,said,“It had been quite a hard journey but I just couldn't consider giving up.”Although the Amazon measures 4,000 miles,he had to walk an extra 2,000 miles up and down mountains and through forests to accomplish it.

He began on April 2,2008,with walking partner Luke Collyer,37,an instructor of outdoor activities.But before three months were out,the pair had a quarrel.They parted and Mr. Collyer returned to the UK.Mr. Stafford advertised for a new walking partner and was joined by Sanchez Rivera.The pair made their way through Peru,Colombia and Brazil.In Peru,Mr. Stafford and his partner had been put into prison as murder suspects.They were set free after 48 hours.

After arriving at the destination,Mr. Stafford said,“All I want now are a fish dish and a nice cold beer.”

Ranulph Fiennes,the world's leading explorer,spoke of Stafford's achievement,“One of the most impressive aspects of his performance throughout this hard journey is Mr.Stafford's great determination to succeed.On an almost daily basis,he must have faced difficulties which would hold most people back.The strong will like his is truly needed by anyone who wants to succeed.”

【语篇解读】 33岁的艾德·斯塔福德在经历了859天的徒步旅行之后,终于沿亚马逊河抵达了巴西北部的海岸,成为了世界上首位徒步走完亚马逊河全程的冒险家。

36.Where did Mr. Stafford fall down due to exhaustion?

A.In Brazil. B.In Colombia.

C.In Peru. D.In Britain.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“He started in Peru,and finished his adventure as he reached the Maruda beach in Brazil.”可知,斯塔福德的这次冒险之旅的终点是巴西的Maruda海滩;根据第二段“Mr. Stafford dropped at the side of the road a few hours before reaching his final destination.”可知,斯塔福德在抵达终点的几个小时前累倒在路旁。因此可知答案。


37.According to the passage,Mr. Stafford began the adventure ________.

A.in a hurry B.out of curiosity

C.with confidence D.regardless of the cost

解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“Mr. Stafford,who always knew that it was possible to walk along the Amazon,...”可以推知,斯塔福德满怀信心地开启了他的冒险之旅。


38.How long did Mr. Stafford walk alone in the adventure?

A.More than 5 months.

B.More than 10 months.

C.More than 15 months.

D.More than 20 months.

解析:数字计算题。根据第一段“After 859 days and 6,000 miles,British explorer Ed Stafford became the first man to walk the entire length of the Amazon.”可知,斯塔福德的这次冒险耗时28个多月;根据第二段“...accompanied by Sanchez Rivera,31,who had been his partner during the last five months of the whole journey.”和第四段“But before three months were out,the pair had a quarrel.They parted and Mr. Collyer returned to the UK.”可知,斯塔福德的同伴陪他行走了不到8个月的时间。因此经计算可知,斯塔福德在这次冒险旅途中独自行走了20多个月。


39.It can be learned from the passage that ________.

A.Mr. Stafford got lost several times in the adventure

B.Mr. Stafford found his new partner through ads

C.Mr. Stafford once was imprisoned for stealing

D.Mr. Stafford's favorite foods are fish and pears

解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“Mr. Stafford advertised for a new walking partner and was joined by Sanchez Rivera.”可知,斯塔福德通过广告征得了新的同伴。


40.Ranulph Fiennes thinks highly of Mr. Stafford because ________.

A.Mr. Stafford has a spirit of adventure

B.Mr. Stafford has strong determination

C.Mr. Stafford is the first man to experience the adventure

D.Mr. Stafford sets a good example to other adventurers

解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“Ranulph Fiennes,... spoke of Stafford's achievement,‘One of the most impressive aspects of his performance throughout this hard journey is Mr. Stafford's great determination to succeed...’”可知,斯塔福德的坚定的决心给雷纳夫·法因斯留下了极为深刻的印象,这也正是雷纳夫·法因斯赏识他的原因。



