


来源 :中华考试网 2016-01-07




  Amanda took whatever pills she could get,largely because she was finding life hard to take.“There were a lot of __1__,” she says.She had just found out that her parents were splitting.It took her __2__—and she was __3__.“I woke up one morning,and they told me.”

  On a few __4__ during her two years of going to parties.“My heart would race so fast it felt like it was going to __5__.I felt weak and confused sometimes and __6__ passed out several times,” she recalls.“But I picked up from the ground __7__ I had a lot of pride in my drinking and drugging.I was really __8__ about it and proud of the fact that I could take more than a lot of people.I could come home and have a __9__ with my parents.”

  Finally,__10__,things got out of control.“I couldn't go a day without taking something,” she __11__,“and after a while,the pills __12__ my stomach;it hurt all the time,and I hardly ate.Finally,I couldn't __13__ it any more.I went to my parents and told them I needed help.”

  Amanda entered a __14__ program and has been calm since her release last January.“Detox was the __15__ four days of my entire life,” she says.“I was throwing up all the __16__ and had the shakes.”

  She doesn't __17__ drugs.“I'm so hurt from this,” says Amanda,who has ulcers and damaged kidneys from the drugs and alcohol.“I have to __18__ daily to stay calm.But in some ways,I feel lucky I __19__ it,and I'm out of it now.”Amanda wrote a song called “Goodnight to the Moonlight.” Amanda says,“It's about how it feels to be taking drugs and alcohol,how it __20__,how it makes you feel like you're losing yourself.”


  detox n.戒瘾 ②ulcer n.溃疡 ③kidney n.肾脏

  【语篇解读】 Amanda因为吸毒导致身体出现各种不适,于是她到戒毒中心参加治疗。戒毒的过程艰难而痛苦,她从中也悟到了许多。

  1.A.pills B.problems C.people D.work答案 B [联系上文的“she was finding life hard to take”可知,她的生活中出现了很多问题。]

  2.A.by surprise B.by hands

  C.with sadness D.over again

  答案 A [take sb by surprise意思是“突如其来”,联系下文可知,一天早晨醒来,她的父母告诉她此事。]

  3.A.angry B.anxious C.shocked D.frightened

  答案 C [因为这一切来得突然,因此她震惊了。]

  4.A.days B.weeks C.periods D.occasions

  答案 D [联系空后的“her two years of going to parties”可知有很多“场合”。C有一定的干扰性,period指“一段时间”。]

  5.A.beat B.stop C.explode D.rest

  答案 C [联系空前的“My heart would race so fast”可知,她的心脏跳得太快,就像要爆炸一样。]

  6.A.ever B.even C.already D.yet

  答案 B [“passed out several times”是程度的加深,因此用even,表示“甚至有几次都昏倒了”。]

  7.A.while B.so C.because D.although

  答案 C [前后为因果关系,后面是前面的原因。]

  8.A.crazy B.concerned C.anxious D.worried

  答案 A [联系上文的“had a lot of pride in my drinking and drugging”可知,最厉害的时候,她对毒品达到痴迷的程度。]

  9.A.meal B.gathering

  C.conversation D.meeting

  答案 C [在吸食了毒品后她才感觉好受,回到家里可以与父母交谈。其他选项都不能表达毒品对她的巨大作用。]

  10.A.therefore B.though C.then D.still

  答案 B [上文叙述的是毒品带给自己的安慰,后面讲述的是毒品对自己的伤害,因此这里是转折。]

  11.A.replies B.regrets C.phones D.recalls

  答案 D [联系上下文可知,这是Amanda对过去经历的回忆。]

  12.A.upset B.harmed C.filled D.knocked

  答案 A [联系下文的“it hurt all the time,and I hardly ate”可知,毒品开始使肠胃不适,故选upset。]

  13.A.know B.take C.eat D.see

  答案 B [联系空前的“Finally”和空后的“anymore”可知,她再也不能忍受了。take在这里是 “忍受”的意思。]

  14.A.TV B.show C.treatment D.talk

  答案 C [联系下文“Detox was the __15__ four days of my entire life”可知,她参加了治疗计划。]

  15.A.worst B.happiest C.luckiest D.best

  答案 A [联系下文“I have to __18__(struggle) daily to stay calm.”可知,治疗的这四天是最糟糕的日子。]

  16.A.medicine B.water C.food D.wine

  答案 C [联系空前的“throwing up”可知,在治疗中心,她把吃的食物全部吐出了。]

  17.A.rely on B.know about

  C.think of D.care about

  答案 D [联系下文她说的“I'm so hurt from this”可知,她对毒品万分痛恨,因此再也不喜欢它了。]

  18.A.stand B.struggle C.exercise D.write

  答案 B [联系空后的“to stay calm”可知,每天为了能保持安静,她要努力与毒品抗争。]

  19.A.went through B.looked through C.put through D.put down

  答案 A [联系下文“I'm out of it now”可知,她觉得自己很幸运,因为经历了这个痛苦,现在摆脱了毒品。go through指“经历艰难痛苦的事情”。]

  20.A.feels B.wastes C.hurts D.affects

  答案 C [最后一句讲述的是从开始吸毒到最后戒毒的过程,此空表达的是毒品带给她的伤害,因此用hurts。]

