


来源 :中华考试网 2017-04-07




How to Write Product Descriptions Like a Professional

Whenever you sell any type of product, you have to convince someone why they should make a purchase.__ 36 You can hire8 product description writing service or you can deal with it yourself We believe writing a convincing copy is the key. Here's how to write product descriptions like a professional.

●Read the Best Copy

You can't write a description until you know how experts are doing it.__37 .Using Amazon is an ideal method to find the best-sellers in your category. If they've reached the list of best-sellers they're doing something right

● 38

Normally, the specifications provided by the producer give you the bare facts about the product and nothing else.__ 39 Ask the producer to talk to you about their product. Get the facts from 8 human and you'll discover the heart behind the product. This is what you need to present to potential customers.

●Cut Down

__ 40 It doesn't matter if you produce a long story about how smooth the materials are or how the product is created in detail. It's always easier to cut everything down. Of course it always takes practice to get this right.

Writing a persuasive product description requires a lot of time and effort. Multiple drafts are often needed to find the best words for the job.

A. Consult the producer

B. Begin the first draft carefully

C .There's no soul to these statistics

D. Speak to someone you trust about your ideas

E. Look at your chosen field and find the best-sellers

F. Don't write a 50-word product description immediately

G .You need to get your product description right in order to do this



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A. B.C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白


Sometimes you meet an ordinary person doing something extraordinary. On a recent trip I met Normand Gallant. Normand is someone you could pass on the street and 41 notice but he is a very special person who___ 42 recognition.

Norm lives in a remote area far from the__ 43 big hospital, so when his wife__ 44

cancer several years ago, Norm was faced with a four hour__ 45 to where she could be treated. That meant lots of 46 for meals, fuel, hotels and so on. But in the end the cancer took his wife 47

Norm was obviously__ 48 by his wife's passing, but he was also very angry,__ 49 he realized that other people were__ 50 the same sorts of hardships. He wanted to do something but he didn't want to give money to the__ 51 that support cancer research because he didn't know how much would actually get to the researchers. What he did was to 52 parties.

About every three weeks on Saturday evenings, there is a party in Norm's garage. There is music and dancing, and 53 during the evening Norm tells about a family who are having difficulties 54 the cost of supporting a cancer patient undertaking 55 far from home. Then a honey-pail is passed around and the money 56 , every cent of it goes 57 to that family.

Norm's personal loss has 58 an act of kindness that honors the 59 of the wife he has lost. Wouldn't it be _60 if we had more people in the world like Normand Gallant? He makes the world a better place.

41. A. often B. ever C. always D. never

42. A. deserves B. dislikes C. avoids D. achieves

43. A. best B. nearest C. cleanest D. cheapest

44. A. discovered B. cured C. examined D. developed

45. A. flight B. walk C. drive D. wait

46. A. trouble B. expense C. efforts D. preparations

47.A. anyway B. somehow C. meanwhile D. instead

48. A. impressed B. stricken C. moved D. terrified

49. A. if B. although C. before D. because

50.A. understanding B. questioning C. facing D. settling

51. A. doctors B. families C. organizations D. hospitals

52. A. attend B. promote C. throw D. enjoy

53. A. at some point B. by this means C. for some reason D. in this case

54. A. calculating B. decreasing C. budgeting D. meeting

55. A. research B. treatment C. responsibility D. risk

56. A. collected B. distributed C. saved D. deposited

57. A. gradually B. smoothly C. directly D. explicitly

58. A. served as B. resulted from C. gone through D. contributed to

59. A. memory B. recovery C. cancer D. kindness

60. A. interesting B. nice C. precious D. meaningful

