


来源 :中华考试网 2020-09-28

  Catherine invited Nelson to dinner. Last term she had been in Nelson's __1__,but she had to give up because her son Kendall was having a __2__ in school. The problem was that he wasn't studying. Catherine decided that Kendall needed __3__ control. She would provide it by __4__ him like a hawk(鹰).She would also control his use of his Game Boy. He was __5__ to play the computer game only on weekends.

  Nelson was a(n)__6__ man. He had been teaching various subjects for almost 40 years. He could have retired 10 years ago,__7__ he loved teaching. He said his students gave him something to __8__ every day. He planned to teach until he died in the __9__.

  Nelson needed to take a little __10__ to Catherine to show his thanks for the __11__.He couldn't think of __12__ would be suitable. Opening his kitchen drawer,he found the perfect gift—an unopened box of __13__.He also found some fresh­looking wrapping paper(包装纸).He wrapped the box up carefully. Feeling __14__ of himself,he drove over to Catherine's and rang the doorbell.

  He __15__ his gift. Catherine made a funny face. She said she __16__ the wrapping paper. Then she unwrapped the tea and made another funny __17__.“Nelson,I gave this tea to you at the end of last term,and I wrapped it in this paper!”

  Nelson's face turned __18__.He told himself he had to be more __19__ with gifts in the future and he apologized to Catherine. She __20__ and said,“It's okay. The thought of presenting a gift is more important than the gift itself.”

  1.A.company       B.class

  C.team D.shop

  答案:B 从第二段对Nelson的介绍可知,他是一位教师,所以Catherine是在他的班(class)里。

  2.A.fever B.fight

  C.problem D.party

  答案:C 下一句中的problem有提示:她的儿子在学校里有点儿问题(problem)。

  3.A.best B.no

  C.less D.more

  答案:D 她的儿子不学习,所以她决定给儿子更多的(more)管教。

  4.A.watching B.terrifying

  C.protecting D.ignoring

  答案:A 为了给儿子更多的管教,她像鹰一样监视(watching)儿子。

  5.A.allowed B.begged

  C.encouraged D.refused

  答案:A 她儿子只被允许(allowed)在周末玩电脑游戏。

  6.A.busy B.attractive

  C.old D.famous

  答案:C 从下文“他教书几乎40年了,10年前本来就可以退休”可知Nelson已经是一位老(old)人了。

  7.A.so B.but

  C.though D.if

  答案:B 前后句子间为转折关系,故用but。

  8.A.look forward to B.try out

  C.get rid of D.shout at

  答案:A Nelson认为学生给予了他每天期望(look forward to)的东西。

  9.A.bedroom B.classroom

  C.playground D.kitchen

  答案:B Nelson喜欢教学,他希望可以一直工作到自己倒在教室(classroom)里为止。

  10.A.card B.box

  C.gift D.snack

  答案:C 本段第三句中的he found the perfect gift是提示:Nelson要给Catherine带个小礼物(gift)。

  11.A.suggestion B.explanation

  C.operation D.invitation

  答案:D 文章首句有提示,Nelson给Catherine带礼物是为了表示对她的邀请(invitation)的感谢。

  12.A.who B.what

  C.when D.where

  答案:B 从后文中他在厨房里找礼物可知,他一时想不出送什么东西(what)是合适的。引导宾语从句且在从句中作主语,因此用what。

  13.A.candies B.books

  C.chocolate D.tea

  答案:D 倒数第二段中的I gave this tea to you有提示:Nelson找到了一盒未启封的茶(tea)。

  14.A.proud B.tired

  C.fond D.shy

  答案:A Nelson不仅找到了自己认为很棒的礼物,而且还仔细包装起来。所以他感到自豪(proud)。

  15.A.bought B.awarded

  C.presented D.displayed

  答案:C Nelson来到了Catherine家,按了门铃,并展示(presented)自己的礼物。

  16.A.made B.preferred

  C.disliked D.loved

  答案:D 从Catherine made a funny face及I wrapped it in this paper可知,这个包装纸是她曾经用过的,她自然喜欢(loved)。

  17.A.joke B.face

  C.example D.sound

  答案:B 上文funny face有提示:当看到茶时,她又做了个有趣的表情(face)。

  18.A.green B.white

  C.red D.black

  答案:C 当Nelson被告知自己送的礼物是Catherine送给他的后,他自然感到不好意思,脸变红(red)了。

  19.A.concerned B.careful

  C.familiar D.pleased

  答案:B 得知自己送错了礼物,他告诉自己以后一定要在送的礼物方面多加小心(careful)。

  20.A.smiled B.angered

  C.screamed D.cried

  答案:A 从Catherine说的话可推知她应该是微笑着(smiled)的。

