


来源 :中华考试网 2019-09-18

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  We would all love to learn how to be happy. And sometimes, the 41 comes from a surprising place.

  There was an anthropologist(人类学家)who had been studying the habits and 42 of a remote African tribe. He had been 43 in the village for 44 some time and the day before he was to return home, he put together a gift basket filled with delicious fruits from around the region and 45 it in a piece of cloth. He placed the basket under a tree and then he 46 the children in the village.

  The man drew a 47 in the dirt, looked at the children, and said, "When I tell you to 48 ,run to the tree and 49 gets there first will win the basket of the fruits." When he told them to run, they all 50 each other’s hands and ran together to the tree. Then they 51 together around the basket and enjoyed their 52 as a group.

  The anthropologist was 53 . He asked why they would all go together when one of them could have won all the fruits for himself or herself. A 54 girl looked up at him and said 55 , "How can one of us be happy if all the other ones are 56 ? "

  Years later, the well-known South African activist Desmond Tutu would describe the little girl’s 57 process by using the word ubuntu, which means "I am because 58 are." People in that tribe believe that a person is a person through other people. Happiness is the 59 of combining what we love to do with something that is 60 .

  41.A.determination B.solution C.design D.consideration

  42.A.culture B.difference C.origin D.diversity

  43.A.surviving B.searching C.working D.wandering

  44.A.quite B.still C.even D.just

  45.A.decorated B.fixed C.wrapped D.tied

  46.A.picked up B.called up C.cleared up D.gathered up

  47.A.line B.picture C.symbol D.sign

  48.A.depart B.escape C.start D.prepare

  49.A.whatever B.whoever C.whichever D.whenever

  50.A.held B.shook C.dragged D.pushed

  51.A.lay B.sat C.played D.united

  52.A.service B.effort C.experience D.treat

  53.A.excited B.ashamed C.shocked D.annoyed

  54.A.troublesome B.crazy C.noisy D.young

  55.A.innocently B.confusedly C.pitifully D.hopefully

  56.A.curious B.sad C.silent D.greedy

  57.A.study B.growth C.analysis D.thought

  58.A.you B.they C.we D.all

  59.A.direction B.secret C.truth D.result

  60.A.meaningful B.important C.demanding D.practical

  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  Also 61 (know) as "paper paintings" and "painted pictures", New Year paintings are 62 unique art form in Chinese folk culture. The paintings are called "New Year paintings" because they are 63 (most) posted during the Chinese New Year holiday 64 decoration and they are also a symbol of New Year’s greetings.

  New Year paintings 65 (appear) around the Tang dynasty, replacing the previous door pictures 66 (feature) the gods believed to be able to protect the residents and drive away ghosts. In the Song dynasty, New Year paintings were created on a large scale. With the advancement of printing technology, the content and forms of New Year paintings became 67 (diversity). The development of the paintings matured in the Ming and Qing dynasties, 68 the art hit its heyday(全盛期).

  Traditional printing 69 (method) of New Year paintings include woodblock printing, stone-block printing, offset(胶印) printing, traditional Chinese painting, watercolor painting and sketches etc.Woodblock printed New Year paintings 70 (be) the most popular and interesting ones.

