


来源 :中华考试网 2019-08-29

  ( ) 76. “Will you be able to finish the job this week?” “ ___ .”

  A. I can’t say it B. I don’t know that

  C. I’m not sure this D. I don’t expect so

  ( ) 77. It’s impossible for a child to do so much work within a short period of time, ________ ?

  A. isn’t it B. is it C. has it D. hasn’t it

  ( ) 78. _______ that Mr Thomson got such rare fishes ?

  A. When and where was it B. When and where it was

  C. Was it when and where D. When and where were it

  ( ) 79. Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother ___ to swim.

  A. how will it learn B. it will learn how

  C. will it learn how D. and it will learn how

  ( ) 80. Peter and Bob both did well, but Peter is ___ of the two.

  A. more talented B. the most talented

  C. most talented D. the more talented

  ( ) 81. When the farmer came back from work, his pet dog jumped out the door to welcome him.

  A. from B. from behind C. of D. of behind

  ( ) 82. ___ he was ill, I was expected to take his place greatly surprised me for I didn’t have much working experience.

  A. If B. That if C. That D. If that

  ( ) 83. _____ scenery in national parks is usually attractive.

  A. A B. An C. The D. One

  ( ) 84. If you have a cold, stay at home so that you won’t spread it to _____.

  A. another B. the other C. others D. the others

  ( ) 85. Those _____ to go to the exhibition should inform the office.

  A. not wanting B. who not want C. not wanted D. are not want

  ( ) 86. The children _____ and we will never neglected them.

  A. brought up well B. was brought up well

  C. had been well brought up D. have been well brought up

  ( ) 87. The mountain village is my hometown. I spent _____ merry night there when I was young.

  A. a great many B. plenty of C. many a D. a great deal

  ( ) 88. In all English towns there is a speed limit of 30 miles an hour, _____?

  A. is there B. isn’t there C. is it D. isn’t it

  ( ) 89. Why are you always making the same mistake? Think of _____ I told you.

  A. that B. when C. how D. what

  ( ) 90. Nothing is _____ time; yet nothing is less valued.

  A. more precious than B. less precious than

  C. most precious D. as precious as

  ( ) 91. Could _____ have been _____ who helped Sunny get her work done?

  A. they … it B. they … them C. it … them D. it … they

  ( ) 92. I know a place _____ I can get a calculator on sale. I’ll pick one up for you tomorrow.

  A. where B. wherever C. how D. which

  ( ) 93. How teachers perform in their classes _____ a strong influence on the growth of the pupils.

  A. has B. have C. having D. to have

  ( ) 94. I found the cat _____ under the bed, who had caught a mouse.

  A. hiding B. hidden C. to hide D. having hidden

  ( ) 95. ---- How did he get back last night?

  ---- I think he _____ back on foot, as there were no buses or taxies then at all.

  A. might have come B. needn’t have come

  C. must have come D. should have come

  ( ) 96. The doctor would allow him to go home _____ he remained in bed.

  A. as though B. for fear that

  C. on condition that D. as far as

  ( ) 97. One of the most important social problems of today is _____ jobs to the unemployed.

  A. what to be given B. having given

  C. how to give D. to have given

  ( ) 98. The doctor said I was over-weight. If only I _____ less!

  A. ate B. have been eating

  C. have eaten D. had eaten

  ( ) 99. It is said that he got laughed at for _____.

  A. his dishonest B. been dishonest C. being dishonest D. to be dishonest

  ( )100. A baby animal knows animals of _____ own kind when it sees them, when it smells them and it hears them.

  A. her B. one’s C. its D. their

