


来源 :中华考试网 2019-02-22


  One day, Peter met an elderly woman in the forest. She was holding a ball of silk thread in the color of 36 . He asked what it was for. She replied that it was a(n) 37 ball which caused time to move quickly. Life would move forward 38 if he did not touch it. 39 , if he wanted life to pass by swiftly, he could just pull on the golden thread. But she 40 him that once pulled, the thread could never be put back.

  Luckily, Peter acquired the ball as a 41 . Later, when his school teacher 42 him for his laziness, he took out the very ball and pulled on it. The teacher told the class to 43 their books and go home.

  Then he wondered if he gave a harder pull he could 44 all of his school days. He gave a strong tug(猛拽) and found he had 45 . Now he fell in love with a girl named Liese. He was so eager to 46 her that he could hardly wait. So, he pulled hard on it a 47 time and they became a couple.

  He hated looking for a 48 so he pulled on the thread and found himself an assistant to a lawyer. All through his life when he wanted 49 , he would just pull on the thread. His business taking off, he became quite 50 . However, his mother was aging and 51 before long. It was then that he noticed his wife had 52 hair.

  He found the old woman in the forest and 53 her to take the ball back. He regretted living his life so swiftly. If possible, he would patiently 54 the life this time.

  Fortunately, his 55 was accepted! The next day, he woke up, his youthful mother standing by…

  36. A. silver B. bronze C. gold D. iron

  37. A. expensive B. pure C. tough D. magic

  38. A. frequently B. immediately C. normally D. generally

  39. A. However B. Therefore C. Furthermore D. Besides

  40. A. praised B. warned C. reminded D. punished

  41. A. gift B. award C. talent D. reward

  42. A. guided B. treated C. followed D. scolded

  43. A. pack up B. take up C. pick up D. build up

  44. A. enjoy B. waste C. remember D. escape

  45. A. failed B. graduated C. succeeded D. done

  46. A. attract B. treasure C .please D. marry

  47. A. second B. third C. fourth D. fifth

  48. A. ball B. job C. teacher D. woman

  49. A. someone B. anything C. something D. anyone

  50. A. successful B. trustful C. thankful D. hopeful

  51. A. took away B. put away C. passed away D.kept away

  52. A. red B. black C. golden D. white

  53. A. begged B. told C. commanded D. suggested

  54. A. waste B. experience C. view D. expect

  55. A. application B. request C. suggestion D. occasion

