


来源 :中华考试网 2019-01-18

  81. We should think carefully about ________ Mr. Needham said at the meeting.

  A. that B. what C. which D. X

  82. Can you point out ________ two radios are the best A

  . which B. what C. that D. whether

  83. You will easily know ________ video recorders (录相机) are the same.

  A. what those B. that of those C. that all of D. which of those

  84. ________ you have seen things like these before doesn't matter.

  A. If B. Whether C. What D. When

  85. I asked her in English ________ she was, and she told me ________ she was an actress.

  A. who…that B. who…X C. what…X D. how…that

  86. She took it for granted ________ I'd be back home an hour ago.

  A. that B. whether C. if D. when

  87. We think it possible ________ the local government will be able to solve the housing problem.

  A. for B. that C. when D. how

  88. Now there is a danger ________ the ground may fall in (沉下) under the heavy traffic.

  A. whether B. if C. X D. that

  89. At that time I had no idea ________ I could hand it to him without being seen.

  A. if B. how C. which D. that how

  90. Last Sunday he promised ________ today, but he hasn't appeared yet.

  A. that he would come B. that he will come C. he will come to see me D. whether he would come

  91. Last Sunday he made a promise ________ he was free he would take me to Qingdao.

  A. if B. that C. that if D. whether

  92. Do you have any idea ________

  A. when Miss Smith will arrive

  B. when will Miss Smith arrive

  C. how will Miss Smith arrive

  D. why hasn't Miss Smith arrived

  93. I have almost forgotten ________.

  A. how Mr. Taylor's like B. what Mr. Taylor's face is like

  C. what Mr. Taylor's face is D. which Mr. Taylor's face is like

  94. The true value of life is not in ________, but ________.

  A. how you get …that you give

  B. which you got what you give

  C. what you get …what you give

  D. what do you get…what do you give

  95. Do you know ________

  A. what is this used for B. what this is used for

  C. which this is used D. that this is used for

  96. ________ surprised me most was ________.

  A. That…that she spoke Japanese so well

  B. What…how could she speak Japanese so well

  C. What…that she spoke Japanese so well

  D. That…why she could speak Japanese so well

  97. ________ is to dance.

  A. That interests Mary really B. Which really interests Mary.

  C. What really interests Mary D. What really interest Mary

  98. We were greatly amused by ________.

  A. what you have told us B. which you had told us

  C. what you told us D. that you told us

  99. These computers are different from ________.

  A. that we expected B. what we expected

  C. which we have expected D. what we expect

  100. ________ Tom liked to eat was different from ________.

  A. That…that you had expected

  B. What …that you had expected

  C. That…what you had expected

  D. What…what you had expected

  【答案】1-5.CDCDB 6-10.BABCD

  11-15.ADCCA 16-20.DABCA

  21-25.BBDDA 26-30.BCDCC

  31-35.ABCDC 36-40.DABBC

  41-45.CCDDD 46-50.ACBAA

  51-55.CCCAD 56-60.ACBBA

  61-65 DABCD 66-70 CACDB

  71-75 CBBCA 76-80 CCCCD

  81-85 BADBC 86-90 ABDBA

  91-95 CABCB 96-100 CCCBD





