


来源 :中华考试网 2018-05-25

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



  Yasmin has short golden hair and enormous brown eyes. She is just seven years old and she lives in Kent, England with her owners, David and Rachel. 36 In fact, she is his eyes.

  Yasmin sleeps on her own mat which is next to David’s bed. They both wake up at 6:30 every morning. David washes and gets dressed, then they go downstairs together. They have breakfast, then Yasmin fetches David’s keys and wallet and she takes him for a walk in the park. 37

  Going for walks with David is hard work but Yasmin doesn’t mind. She has to concentrate hard on the traffic and all the other people in the streets. 38 When they get to work, Yasmin’s job is much easier. She just sits in her place, under David’s computer desk. But she can’t relax completely. She has to remain alert in case David needs her!

  39 He doesn’t need Yasmin’s help so much in the house, because he knows where everything is and, of course, he has Rachel to help him when necessary. Yasmin tries to stay out of his way so that he doesn’t fall over her! She is always on hand so he can call her when he wants her to help him.

  40 When they get home he always thanks her for her help during the day and they play for a while. “It’s hard work being someone’s eyes, but I know Yasmin loves working for me and she knows that I appreciate all her help,” says David. “She makes it possible for me to live a normal life.”

  A. They usually stay home where they listen to music and relax.

  B. When David finishes work, Yasmin escorts him home where he makes her dinner.

  C. For example, sometimes she gets very tired.

  D. She lets David know when it is safe to cross the roads and if there is anything in his way.

  E. After dinner, Yasmin and David usually go for another walk in the park.

  F. After that, she helps him to find his way to work.

  G. She works for David, who can’t see.

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  I was living in South Korea a few years back when I had to leave the country and return again, due to visa restrictions. My 41 was the port town of Fukuoka, in Japan.

  I had plenty of 42 in Korean currency which I intended to 43 into Japanese currency in order to get me through the evening. Little did I know, however, that it was a bank 44 in Japan and there was 45 to change my money.

  With no local money, I had little 46 but to walk from the terminal towards town while trying to 47 what to do. Some hours and a few 48 banks later, I heard two young European 49 in French and, with nothing to lose, asked if 50 spoke any English. They were Belgian students and, after 51 my predicament(困境), offered to 52 meeting their friends to take me around the city in 53 of a currency exchange.

  They 54 my bus tickets and took me around several locations 55 finally finding me a hotel that would change my money.

  I 56 them their money back plus some extra for drinks on their night out. They 57 and insisted that they wanted nothing for the tickets, 58 that I should join them and their friends if I wanted to buy them a drink.

  Hours later, after a fantastic night out, they 59 me a taxi and helped me get on my way. Their 60 still shocks me and inspires me to help others whenever I can.

  41. A. destination B. problem C. point D. mind

  42. A. room B. time C. money D. work

  43. A. go B. exchange C. move D. break

  44. A. holiday B. account C. robbery D. system

  45. A. everywhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere

  46. A. time B. effect C. choice D. trouble

  47. A. take over B. pick up C. look for D. work out

  48. A. closed B. large C. local D. failed

  49. A. quarrelling B. chatting C. answering D. thinking

  50. A. every B. each C. either D. neither

  51. A. hearing B. leaving C. losing D. watching

  52. A. continue B. consider C. start D. postpone

  53. A. favor B. search C. honor D. view

  54. A. turned in B. looked into C. paid for D. made up

  55. A. before B. when C. since D. unless

  56. A. found B. offered C. cost D. showed

  57. A. believed B. expected C. left D. refused

  58. A. adding B. realizing C. forbidding D. agreeing

  59. A. led B. handed C. ordered D. made

  60. A. experience B. business C. relationship D. kindness


  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  Jim and Mary were both patients in a Mental Hospital. One day while they 61 (walk) by the hospital swimming pool, Jim 62 (sudden) jumped into the deep end. He 63 (sink) to the bottom. Mary promptly (迅速地) jumped in 64 (save) him. She swam to the bottom and 65 (pull) Jim out.

  When the medical director became aware 66 Mary’s heroic act he immediately reviewed her file and called her into his office. “Mary, I have good news 67 bad news. The good news is you’re being discharged (释放) 68 since you were able to jump in and save the life of another patient, I think you’ve regained your senses. The bad news is Jim, the patient you saved, hanged himself 69 his bathrobe (浴衣) belt in the bathroom, he’s dead.”

  Mary replied, “He didn’t hang himself, I hung him up 70 (dry).”

