


来源 :中华考试网 2018-05-22



  Ways to Host an Eco-Friendly Cookout

  Eating in the open air may feel eco-friendly, but outdoor dining can result in unnecessary waste if you aren’t careful. 36 . If you keep that in mind throughout your preparations, you’ll be off to a good start.

  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

  Skip the paper invitations and use online services like Email, or Facebook events. 37 . This way you’ll avoid ending up with five different potato salads that go uneaten. Make it easy for guests to sort garbage by positioning different trashcans in a central location: one for kitchen garbage, one for recyclables, and one for non-recyclables.

  Stop Using Plastic

  Plastic is a leading cause of litter and isn’t easy to recycle. To make sure your cookout eco-friendly, consider some other options for making your cookout stand out. Use recycled jars as glasses. They’re also far less breakable than regular glasses. 38 If guests know which glass is theirs, they don’t need to reach for another one, which cuts down on the cleanup you’ll be doing.


  Wherever possible, shop for local produce and goods to serve your guests. This will reduce your carbon footprint and help support your local economy. Buy produce and meats at your local farmers’ market. Look for organic, but favor local over organic if you have to make a choice.

  Use Renewable Light Sources

  39 As the sun goes down, illuminate your party space with LED lighting and solar- powered decorations. Invest in some citronella (香茅精油) candles and torches to help drive away insects naturally.

  A. Support Global Economy

  B. Think Globally, Shop Locally

  C. Ask guests to bring glasses of their own

  D. Keep track of what everyone is bringing ahead of time

  E. Save on energy by hosting your party during the daylight hours

  F. One of the keys to being green is to reduce waste wherever possible

  G. Put up some labels to the jars so people can write their names on them

  第三部分 语言知识运用(试题版权:百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分55分)



  One day a well-dressed woman was walking down the street when she spied a beggar sitting on the comer near a cafeteria. He was elderly, unshaven, and in 41 . Pedestrians walked by giving him 42 looks. Clearly they wanted nothing to do with him. She 43 and looked down. “Sir?” she asked. “Are you all right?”

  Thinking that she would make 44 of him, like so many others had done before, he told her to leave him alone. However, to his 45 the woman continued standing.

  Anyhow, with some 46 , the woman got the man into the cafeteria and 47 him at a table in a remote corner. She stared at him 48 , “Jack, do you remember me?” Old Jack 49 her face. “I think so — I mean you do look 50 .”

  The woman recalled what she 51 when she graduated. She tried looking for a job, but without luck. Cold and 52 , she got to this very cafeteria, 53 to get something to eat. Later on she found a job, 54 her way up and eventually started her own 55 .

  Jack 56 with a smile, saying it was he who made her the biggest sandwich.

  In the end, she 57 her purse, pulled out a business card and promised to help him financially 58 he got on his feet.

  Jack thanked her with watery eyes. The woman held his hands and said, “Don’t thank me, Jack. Without you, I wouldn’t have 59 so much.”

  In life, one never expects how a small act of 60 changes another soul.

  41. A. poverty B. ruins C. rags D. comfort

  42. A. dirty B. scary C. angry D. sad

  43. A. rushed B. stepped C. moved D. stopped

  44. A. use B. fun C. notes D. sense

  45. A. excitement B. amusement C. enjoyment D. amazement

  46. A. difficulty B. strength C. hesitation D. doubt

  47. A. directed B. stood C. sat D. crowded

  48. A. proudly B. closely C. coldly D. roughly

  49. A. wiped B. searched C. lifted D. moved

  50. A. familiar B. strange C. special D. popular

  51. A. enjoyed B. explored C. ignored D. experienced

  52. A. thirsty B. hungry C. anxious D. moody

  53. A. waiting B. pretending C. hoping D. offering

  54. A. worked B. kicked C. wound D. lost

  55. A. family B. research C. journey D. business

  56. A. burst out B. brightened up C. turned up D. held out

  57. A. opened B. tore C. shook D. picked

  58. A. though B. after C. until D. since

  59. A. absorbed B. saved C. achieved D. contributed

  60. A. sympathy B. selflessness C. bravery D. kindness

