


来源 :中华考试网 2018-05-12

  Major airplane manufacturers are now moving to develop the future of flight with electric planes and personal flying vehicles.

  Boeing is one of those companies. It recently invested in Zunum Aero, a company working to build electric aircraft for commercial flights. Zunum is based in the northwestern U.S. state of Washington. It says it is hoping to revolutionize air travel by cutting flight times and greatly reducing costs.

  By the early 2020s, the company plans to operate electric aircraft to carry 10-15 passengers on trips up to 1,100 kilometers. It says the cost of such flights could be as low as $ 25 each way.

  Zunum noted on its website that, while America has more than 13,500 airports, 97 percent of all air traffic goes through just 140 larger hubs. By traveling through smaller airports, passengers can greatly reduce door-to-door travel time and avoid long security lines.

  JetBlue was another major company to invest in Zunum. The head of JetBlue’s investment group, Bonnie Simi, said Zunum fits the airline’s desire to “seek new technologies to change the game.” She praised the company for developing “quiet, environmentally-friendly aircraft” for sustainable travel.

  Zunum’s planes will be powered by two large engines at the back. The aircraft will be “hybrid-electric,” meaning they rely mostly on battery power, but also bum fuel when needed.

  The goal is to eventually fly fully electric planes, although most experts believe this could take many years. This is because battery technology still has a long way to go to provide long-lasting power, but not be too heavy for the aircraft.

  Other companies have released plans to release flying cars a lot sooner than that. Slovakia-based engineering company AeroMobil is preparing to show the world its latest model this week.

  AeroMobii is showing the car at the Top Marques auto show in Monaco. No launch date or prices have been announced, but the company says it will be taking pre-orders this year.

  32. Electric aircraft may have the following advantages EXCEPT .

  A. lower costs B. Shorter flight time

  C. fewer passengers D. shorter security lines

  33. What is Bonnie Simi’s attitude toward Zunum’s electric aircraft?

  A. Doubtful B. Positive C. Uncaring D. Disapproving

  34. Why will Zunum’s electric planes still need fuel?

  A. Because fuel is easier to get. B. Because battery may not be stable.

  C. Because planes won’t start without fuel. D. Because battery may not last long enough.

  35. From the last two paragraphs, we can infer that .

  A. Flying cars must be ordered in advance

  B. Flying cars will appear on the market this year

  C. The prices of flying cars are still unknown

  D. Flying cars are more popular than electric planes

  32-35 CBDC

  In today’s times, health problems like diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure are not restricted to adults, but have become a common phenomenon among children too. 36

  Due to this lack of activity and no control on the food they eat, many children suffer from the problem of obesity at a very young age. 37 Hence, it becomes the responsibility of the parents to teach children important ways to remain healthy.

  At a very young age, teach the kids to eat all types of food, like fruits, vegetables, meat, etc. 38 Cultivate the habit of eating breakfast as it is said to be the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast helps their body to develop energy for the physical and mental activities of the day.

  Indulging in daily outdoor games with friends is more than enough physical exercise for children. Parents should see to it that their kids do not spend their entire time in front of the television or playing video games. 39

  40 Children require 9-13 hours of sleep, depending on their age group. Lack of sleep in children can cause problems like lack of attention at school, feeling sleepy during the day, poor academic performance, etc. Hence, parents must ensure that their children receive sufficient sleep.

  Other than these tips, it is important to teach kids proper hygiene (卫生学) rules like regular washing of hands, brushing their teeth, etc., so that they are not affected by infections. Remember, by doing this you are not only providing them a hale and hearty childhood, but also ensuring a healthy future.

  A. It further leads to other serious diseases or illnesses.

  B. Rest and sleep are two important factors to keep children healthy.

  C. Habits we learn during our childhood stay with us throughout our life.

  D. Explain the importance of eating the right food and exercising to your kids.

  E. Their meals should be divided into five or six small meals throughout the day.

  F. They should encourage them to take part in sports and other physical activities.

  G. The main reason for this can be attributed to their like towards fast food and lack of activity.

  36-40 GAEFB

  When I was just out of college,I managed to get my dream job as a trader in New York City on the floor of the American Stock(股票)exchange.

  Though it was a proud_41_,the job was simply too physically_42_一I must stand in a crowd every day,which often_43_me in a mindset(心态)that held me back.

  Manhattan is a walking town and it's difficult to_44_when you have a disability.Taxis are expensive and riding the subway_45_dozens of steep steps to get below_46_.This left me only one_47_—the bus.

  One night,after the_48_for my job,I was aching with self-pity_49_it started to rain on my walk to the bus stop.I became more and more_50_without an umbrella,thinking I'd never_51_it in this city.Telling myself,"this city is just too hard" and "maybe it is just not possible for a guy like me".

  And then,I_52_the most beautiful,short moment.A couple came rolling by on roller skates,hand_53_hand as they skated what seemed like the tango.They were all wet but they saw the_54_as an opportunity and romance.

  I suddenly became grateful for waiting in the rain because I_55_have missed this beauty_56_if I had been in a taxi or on the subway.This,although_57_,was an important moment on my journey to discovering the_58_of achieving health and happiness.When I change my mindset,_59_for a moment,to what is possible and work to get rid of the self-limiting beliefs that_60_my daily actions,I will be on the road to a healthier,happier life.

  41.A.adjustment B.achievement C.agreement D.treatment

  42.A.tiring B.boring C.relaxing D.disappointing

  43.A.reminded B.expected C.took D.left

  44.A.go up B.get around C.set off D.show up

  45.A.requests B.supports C.requires D.surrounds

  46.A.ground B.street C.town D.city

  47.A.change B.chance C.idea D.choice

  48.A.struggle B.work C.experience D.influence

  49. A.before B.while C.when D.after

  50.A.nervous B.curious C.scared D.upset

  51.A.get B.make C.put D.watch

  52. A.recalled B.observed C.witnessed D.realized

  53.A.on B.by C.to D.in

  54.A.rain B.tree C.wind D.cloud

  55.A.shall B.would C.need D.must

  56.A.exactly B.instantly C.entirely D.suddenly

  57.A.strange B.small C.normal D.different

  58.A.humor B.honesty C.power D.principle

  59.A.still B.yet C.also D.even

  60.A.affect B.follow C.forbid D.harm

  41-45 BADBC 46-50 AD ACD 51-55 BCDAB 56-60 CBCDA

  He was a professor.At the age of 90,he still worked eight hours every day regardless_41_the weather.

  His secretary said:“He was extremely old,but he forced himself to walk from his living place to the office through two blocks._42_would take him an hour to do so,but he insisted because it made him get a sense of_43_ (succeed).”

  One day,a university student_44_(step) out of his office with a pile of books.He complained: “He always answers my questions with just a yes or no.However,he always gives me dozens of books and suggests me_45_(find) the answer on my own.”

  By chance,the professor knew_46_the student complained about.He explained to him with a smile:“This is the method I have learnt—the_47_(hard) you work independently,the better solutions you will find.If you can make full use of the books,you will_48_(probable) become a good lawyer in the future.”

  This 90-year-old man was Pound,_49_was the president of Law College of Harvard.He believed “all slopes are easy_50_( go)”,of which he often reminded his students.

  51.latter 52.suffering 53.present 54.based 55.settled

  56.concerned 57.official 58.enrich 59.actually 60.recovery

