


来源 :中华考试网 2018-04-12

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


  Leslie Morissette’s son, Graham, was 6 years old when he was diagnosed with leukemia (白血病). Throughout Graham’s (41) in the hospital, Graham connected with everyone he met, from (42) patients to younger children. “He would (43) other sick children his toys or act silly to make them laugh.” Morissette said. “Graham’s special spirit is what kept me going. He gave me the energy and the (44) to fight with him.” In 1997, when he was 8 years old, Graham passed away.

  (45) by how Graham lived his life caring about others, Morissette (46) the nonprofit Grahamtastic Connection in his honor. The organization provides free technology-including computers, iPads, and robots—to children (47) cancer and other serious illnesses.

  One of the major goal of Morissette’s work is to (48) kids to their classrooms, which really helps them continue their (49) despite hospitalizations and days (50) from school.

  The robots “transport” children right into the classroom in real time. They can (51) the robots right from their (52) bed or home. If a child is unable to attend school, they can (53) log on to their tablet or laptop and call in to the robot. They can (54) up and down the school paths. They can go to lunch with their (55) . The real magic happens between classes, when they’re walking down the hallway with their friends, by robot, (56) their weekend and their favorite foods and other things. It’s great technology that really gives children the feeling of control, when their world is maybe (57) control.

  “Every time I can help a child in need, I feel (58) Graham is smiling down.” Morissette said, “I believe that Graham’s (59) lives on in the work that I do. And I’m (60) and privileged to be able to do it in his honor.”

  41. A. surgery B. treatment C. vacation D. rest

  42. A. elderly B. sleepy C. deadly D. naughty

  43. A. buy B. charge C. return D. lend

  44. A. focus B. strength C. resource D. attention

  45. A. Confused B. Depressed C. Inspired D. Worried

  46. A. left B. visited C. benefited D. founded

  47. A. causing B. curing C. battling D. preventing

  48. A. connect B. force C. invite D. throw

  49. A. career B. education C. struggle D. business

  50. A. missed B. stopped C. suffered D. graduated

  51. A. operate B. build C. steal D. separate

  52. A. flower B. river C. hospital D. hotel

  53. A. hardly B. accidentally C. simply D. luckily

  54. A. drive B. jump C. climb D. walk

  55. A. parents B. friends C. doctors D. patients

  56. A. talking about B. putting off C. depending on D. thinking of

  57. A. under B. within C. away from D. out of

  58. A. even if B. as though C. in case D. so that

  59. A. success B. joy C. love D. fortune

  60. A. angry B. sad C. careful D. proud


  第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分55分)



  Silk was not the only product to be transported along the Silk Road, with finely carved jade (翡翠) and medicinal herbs also being (61) (export) from China. Like silk, trade in luxury items such as these boomed, and many merchants found instant wealth.

  Rather (62) traveling the entire length of the Silk Road, each merchant traded goods along one section of the route, (63) (buy) them in one oasis (绿洲) town and selling them in another. The travelers and merchants also (64) (carry) many ideas, philosophies and religions with them along the Silk Road. Of all these, Buddhism, which came from India, had the greatest influence (65) Chinese culture. It (66) (eventual) became China’s primary faith, more widespread than the original Chinese religions of Confucianism and Taoism.

  Silk Road trades traveled together in long caravans (旅行队) of camels. This mode of travel provided (67) (protect) from robbers who might attempt (68) (rob) the valuable goods being transported. The Silk Road was not only one single road, but (69) whole collection of routes by (70) goods were transported between the East and the West.

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)








  Kids exercise all the time without even think of it. Just being active, like when you run around at outside or play basketball at school, is type of exercise. Playing sports, dancing and doing push-ups also counts as exercise. These helped you build your strength. By using your muscles to do powerful things, you can make them strong than before. For teens and adult, this kind of workout can make muscles bigger, either. When you exercise, you’re building a strong body what will be able to move around and do all the stuff you need to do. Try to do more physically exercise every day and your body will thank you later.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  假如你是李华,最近发现你所住的小区内增设了旧物捐赠箱(a donation box),居民可以把自己的旧衣物、飞起的书报等投放期中。请你给本校英文报投稿,内容包括:








  21-23 CAA 24-27 DCCB 28-31 ABAD 32-35 CBDB 36-40 GECAF


  41-45 BADBC 46-50 DCABA 51-55 ACCDB 56-60 ADBCD


  61. exported 62. than 63. buying 64. carried 65. on 66. eventually 67. protection 68. to rob 69. a 70. which


  1. think改为thinking。2. at去掉。3. is和type中间加a。4. counts改为count。 5. helped改为help。6. strong改为stronger。7. adult改为adults。8. either改为too。 9. what改为that/which。10. physically改为physical。


  I’m Li Hua. Recently I found a donation box in my neighborhood. People come to it when they have old clothes, bags, newspapers and books to donate.

  This box, I think, is of great significance. Take me as an example, I outgrow my clothes so rapidly. I’ve got no idea about how to deal with the clothes which are really new and still in good condition. However, with this donation box, I can help those people in need.

  In a word, I do think it is a good idea that can light up our life and make the world better place to live in.

