


来源 :中华考试网 2017-08-01


  568、package v./n. 包装

  He packaged up his old clothes and put them in the cupboard.


  569、pain n. 痛, 痛苦; [pl.] 努力, 劳苦

  His bad behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain.


  570、painful a. 疼痛的, 使痛苦的

  He gained the medal through his painful travail.


  571、pale a. 苍白的; 淡的, 暗淡的 v. 变苍白, 失色

  All other anxieties paled into insignificance besides the possibility of war.

  和可能发生的战争相比, 所有其他的忧虑都变得微不足道了。

  572、participate v. (in)参与, 参加

  Half of the children participated in the experimental study.


  573、particularly adv. 异常地; 显著地; 特别地, 格外, 尤其; 特殊地

  I can remember one passage that particularly struck me.


  574、passive a. 被动的, 消极的

  In spite of my efforts the boy remained passive.

  尽管我很努力, 那个男孩还是很消极。

  575、patient a. 有耐心的, 能忍耐的n. 病人, 患者

  I know your leg hurts, just be patient until the doctor arrives.

  我知道你的腿受伤了, 耐心点, 等医生来。

  576、patience n. 耐心, 忍耐

  Patience is what needed.


  577、pattern n. 模式, 式样; 图案, 图样v. 仿制, 模仿

  This is probably because they are born with those behavior patterns.


  578、peace n. 和平; 平静, 安宁

  War started again after eight years of peace.

  八年的和平之后, 战争又开始了。

  579、perfect a. 完善的, 无瑕的; 十足的v. 使完美, 改进

  What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation?


  580、perform v. 履行, 执行, 做, 完成; 表演, 演出

  It could be argued that the radio performs this service as well.

  无线电台能否很好地提供服务, 人们对此存在争议。

  581、permanent a. 永久的, 持久的

  I’m not a permanent employee; I’m working here on a fixedterm contract.

  我并不是永久雇员, 而是根据定期合同在此工作的。

  582、press v. 压, 按; 压榨, 压迫; 紧迫, 催促, 逼迫 n. 报刊, 出版社

  The press have been invited to a press conference to hear the government’s statement on the event. 新闻记者已应邀参加新闻发布会, 听取政府关于这一事件的声明。

  583、pressure n. 压(力); 强制, 压迫, 压强

  Cheating is the result of intense pressure.


  584、persuade v. 说服, 劝说; (of)(使)相信

  How can I persuade you that I am sincere?


  585、pet n. 爱畜, 宠儿a. 宠爱的, 表示亲昵的

  Dogs are demanding pets.


  586、phrase n. 短语, 词语, 习语

  He is fond of using highsounding phrases.


  587、philosopher n. 哲学家, 哲人

  According to some philosopher, everything in existence is reasonable.

  某位哲学家认为, 存在即是合理。

  588、physical a. 物质的; 身体的; 自然科学的, 物理的

  Physical fitness is having a strong healthy body.


  589、picnic n. 野餐v. (去)野餐

  We had a picnic by the sea.


  590、pigeon n. 鸽

  The pigeons are not bothered by traffic problems.


  591、pile n. 堆v. (up)堆, 叠, 堆积

  It’s probably not as bad as she says — she does tend to pile it on.


  592、pin n. 钉, 栓; 大头针, 别针, 徽章v. (up)钉住

  He gave us an example of the process by which pins were made in England.


  593、pioneer n. 先驱, 倡导者, 开拓者

  So plants had to be the pioneer life on this new island.


  594、pipe n. 管子, 导管; 烟斗; 笛

  I’m not giving up my holiday to suit you, so you can put that in your pipe and smoke it!

  我不打算放弃我的假日来迁就你, 你不听也得听!

  595、plastic n. [常pl.] 塑料, 塑料制品a. 可塑的, 塑性的

  There isn’t much metal in the bodywork of this new car; it’s mainly plastic.

  这辆新汽车的车身没用多少金属材料, 大部分是塑料的。

  596、pleasure n. 愉快, 快乐; 乐事, 乐趣

  He listened with pleasure to the beautiful music.


  597、plentiful a. 富裕的, 丰富的

  Some years we have a plentiful harvest, others a very poor one, but you have to take the good with the bad.

  有些年我们获得大丰收, 有些年则收成很差, 但好坏你都得接受。

  598、plenty n. 丰富, 大量

  There is plenty of evidence.


  599、poet n. 诗人

  The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.


  600、poison n. 毒物, 毒药v. 放毒, 毒害

  Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our cities.


  601、policy n. 政策, 方针

  This latest incident may be the lever needed to change government policy.


  602、polite a. 有礼貌的, 客气的; 有教养的, 文雅

  He had been invited to speak at Gettysburg only out of politeness.


  603、pollute v. 弄脏, 污染

  I feel it is our duty not to pollute our environment.


  604、pollution n. 污染

  People all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution.


  605、pop a. 流行的, 通俗的

  A pop group plays pop music.


  606、popular a. 流行的, 通俗的, 大众的; 有名的

  The dance is popular with young people.


  607、population n. 人口

  There has been a steady decrease in population in this city.


  608、possibility n. 可能, 可能性; 可能的事, 希望

  The new invention contains wonderful possibilities.


  609、positive a. 确实的, 明确的; 积极的, 肯定的

  He was positive that he had seen it in the newspaper.


  610、postpone v. 推迟, 延期

  If they expect prices to go down, they will postpone buying.

  如果他们能够预料到价格下跌, 他们可能会推迟购买。

  611、poverty n. 贫穷, 贫困

  She has lived in poverty all her life.


  612、powerful a. 强大的, 有力的, 有权的

  The chancellor is the most powerful man in the Austrian government.


  613、practical a. 实际的, 实用的

  He has a practical partner who organizes everything for him.

  他有个很能干的伙伴, 替他把一切打理得井井有条。

  614、practice n. 练习, 实习; 实践, 实际; 业务, 开业

  in ~ 在实践中, 实际上/out of ~ 久不练习, 荒疏

  In practice, this is an advantage to the airplane.


  615、practice (=practise) v. 练习, 实习; 实践, 实行; 开业, 从事

  He has practised medicine for a year.


  616、praise v. 赞扬, 歌颂; 表扬, 称赞n. 称赞, 赞美

  Critics praised the work as highly original.


  617、pray v. 请求, 恳求; 祈祷, 祈求

  We’re praying for a fine day.


  618、predict v. 预言, 预测, 预告

  A scientist who wants to predict the way in which consumers(消费者) will spend their money must study consumer behavior.

  如果科学家要预测消费者用什么方法花钱, 他就必须研究消费者行为。

  619、president n. 总统; 校长; 会长, 主席

  There was much criticism of President Lincoln at the time.

  那时候, 很多人都批评林肯总统。

  620、previous a. 先, 前, 以前的; (to)在…之前

  Applicants for the job must have previous experience.


  621、primary a. 最初的, 初级的; 首要的, 主要的, 基本的

  It was in the primary school that my teacher introduced me to computers.


  622、private a. 私人的, 个人的; 秘密的, 私下的

  It’s illegal to read people’s private letters without permission.


  623、prize n. 奖赏, 奖金, 奖品v. 珍视, 珍惜

  I won a prize for running.


  624、probability n. 可能性, 概率

  The probability of a peace agreement being reached is zero.


  625、probable a. 很可能的, 大概的; 有希望的, 可能的

  It’s highly probable that they will win the match.


  626、probably ad. 大概, 或许

  He probably isn’t sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries.

  他或许不确定如何把它全部完成, 但是至少他试过了。

  627、process n. 过程; 工序, 制作法; 工艺v. 加工, 处理

  The firm is now in the process of moving the main equipment to a new place.


  628、product n. 产品, 产物; 乘积

  Our product has become the undisputed market leader.


  629、production n. 生产, 产量; 产品, 作品

  They tried to increase production by using better methods and tools.


  630、program (=programme)n. 节目, 节目单; 计划; 程序; 规划v. 编制程序

  I watched a program about farming.


  640、progress v./n. 前进, 进步, 进展

  You have made progress with your English.


  641、progressive a. 进步的, 先进的; 前进的

  This is a very progressive firm that uses the most modern systems.

  这家公司采用最现代化的系统, 是一家非常先进的公司。

  642、project n. 方案, 计划, 工程, 项目v. 投射, 放映; (使)凸出, (使)伸出

  It is an elaborate project that answers many purposes.


  643、promise v. 允许, 允诺, 答应; 有…可能n. 承诺, 诺言; 希望, 出息

  He broke his promise and did not come to see me.

  他不遵守诺言, 没来看我。

  644、promote v. 促进, 发扬; 提升, 提拔; 增进, 助长

  The market investigation is indispensable to sales promotion.


  645、pronunciation n. 发音, 发音方法

  He has a good pronunciation.


  646、proper a. 适合的; 正当的; 固有的; 有礼貌的

  Verbal ability can easily be developed with proper methods.

  如果方法适当, 语言能力就容易提高。

  647、proportion n. 比例; 部分, 份儿; 均衡, 相称 in ~ (to) (与…)成比例的

  This door is narrow in proportion to its height.


  648、proposal n. 提议, 建议

  These foreigners have put forward a proposal for a joint venture.


  649、propose v. 提议, 建议; 提名, 推荐

  He proposed that we should go for a walk.


  650、protect v. (from)保护, 保卫

  The union was formed to protect the rights and interests of miners.


  651、prove v. 证明, 证实; 检验; 考验; 鉴定

  Research surveys have proved that rising prices may make people put off their purchase of certain things.

  研究结果证明, 价格上涨可能使人们推迟购买某些东西。

  652、proof n.证据, 证明; 校样, 样张

  There is no proof that he was on the crime spot.


  653、provide v. (with, for)提供, 供给

  The hotel provides a reservation of tickets for its residents.


  654、public a. 公共的, 公众的; 公开的n. 公众, 民众

  The town has its own public library and public gardens.


  655、publish v. 出版, 刊印; 公布, 发布

  This company publishes children’s books.


  656、punish v. 惩罚, 处罚

  The teacher punished the noisy children by making them stay after school.

  老师为了惩罚那些吵闹的孩子, 让他们放学后不准回家。

  657、pupil n. 学生, 小学生; 瞳孔

  The headmaster has made a decision of suspension of a pupil from school.


  658、purpose n. 目的, 意图; 用途, 效果 on ~ 故意, 有意

  One of their purposes is to make market surveys on the spot.


