


来源 :中华考试网 2017-07-29


  485、machine n. 机器, 机械

  Generally, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.

  通常说来, 考试期间老师和学生表现得像机器一样。

  486、machinery n. [总称] 机器, 机械; 系统

  We have no machinery for dealing with complaints.


  487、magazine n. 杂志, 期刊

  There is an introduction about Norway in this magazine.


  488、main a. 主要的, 总的n. 总管道; 干线

  But the main reason why people go to the movies is to escape.


  489、mainly ad. 大体上, 主要地

  Weasel lives mainly on rats and rabbits.


  490、make use of 利用

  There are many channels that we can make use of in doing this sort of work.


  491、make way 开路, 让路

  The newcomers think that if old George didn’t get the nomination this time he would loyally stand down and make way for a younger man. The party bosses know different.

  新来的人认为如果老乔治这次没有被提名, 他就会老老实实地退出竞选, 让位于年轻些的候选人。党派的头头们却不这样看。

  492、major a. (较)大的, (较)重要的n. 专业v. (in)主修, 专攻

  She majored in maths and physics at university.


  493、majority n. 多数, 大多数

  The majority of children in our class have brown eyes; only three have blue eyes.

  我们班大多数孩子是棕眼睛, 只有三个孩子是蓝眼睛。

  494、maintain v. 维修, 保养; 维持, 保持; 坚持, 主张

  He failed again and again simply because he had maintained his defeatist attitude.

  他一直坚持失败态度, 所以失败了一次又一次。

  495、male n. /a. 男性(的), 雄性(的)

  The male employees in their families should receive double wages.

  在他们的家庭中, 男雇员应该发给两倍工资。

  496、manager n. 经理, 管理人

  She’s not a very good manager; she always spends more money than she earns.

  她不大会理财, 总是入不敷出。

  497、market n. 集市, 市场; 销路, 需求(量) v. 销售

  The sales manager wants to open up new markets in the Far East.


  498、master n. 主人; 师傅; 硕士v. 精通, 掌握

  He is the master of the boat moored alongside.


  499、material n. 材料, 原料, 资料a. 物质的, 实体的

  There is singer material among these young girls.


  500、meal n. 膳食, 一餐

  I had a frugal meal of bread and cheese last night.


  501、meaning n. 意思, 意义, 含义

  You can’t say that these sounds have no meaning.


  502、measure v. 量, 测量n. 尺寸, 大小; [常pl. ] 措施, 办法

  The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed.


  503、meat n. (食用)肉类

  We’ll have to pay more for meat and milk.


  504、mechanic n. 技工, 机修工

  This machine isn’t working; get a mechanic to see to it.

  这台机器坏了, 找技工来修理一下吧。

  505、medical a. 医学的, 医疗的, 医药的; 内科的

  Actually, the world’s birth rate is falling. But so is death rate, as medical advances have made it possible for man to live longer than before.

  准确说来, 世界人口出生率在下降。 但是死亡率也在下降,因为随着医学的进步, 人类活得比以前更长了。

  506、medicine n. 内服药, 医药; 医术; 医学, 内科学

  A person who wants to become a doctor has to study medicine.


  507、member n. 成员, 会员

  A trustee is a member of managing business affairs of an institution.


  508、mental a. 精神的, 智力的

  We should pay more attention to our mental health.


  509、mention v. /n. 提及, 说起

  The investigations mentioned above were carried out in America.


  510、message n. 消息, 信息, 通讯; 启示, 要旨

  The media are all used to spread the message.


  511、metal n. 金属, 金属制品

  This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in terms of glass, metal and paper.

  这不仅会引起小问题, 而且将是玻璃、 金属、 纸张等资源的巨大浪费。

  512、method n. 方法, 办法

  This method could also reduce the amount of garbage piling up on the earth.


  513、microscope n. 显微镜

  He stained some slides and looked at them under the microscope.

  他给几张载玻片上染了色, 然后放到显微镜下观察。

  514、middle n. 中间, 当中 a. 中间的, 中部的

  Thousands of years ago, in the middle of an ocean, miles from the nearest island, an undersea volcano broke out.

  数千年前, 大海中央距离最近的岛只有几英里的海底火山爆发了。

  515、midnight n. 午夜

  We use to go for a midnight swim during the midsummer.


  516、mind n. 头脑, 精神; 理智; 想法,记忆v. 注意, 留心; 介意, 反对

  I’d a good mind to smack him for being so rude!

  他这样粗野, 我真想揍他。

  517、mineral n. 矿物, 矿石

  Only they, in sunlight, could produce food from the minerals of the soil, water and air.

  只有它们能在阳光中, 用土壤、 水和空气中的矿物质制造食物。

  518、miss v. 未击中; 错过, 没达到; 惦念

  I was late because I missed the bus.

  我之所以迟到, 是因为我误了公共汽车。

  519、modest a. 谦虚的, 谦让的, 谦逊的

  She is very modest about the prizes she has won.


  520、moral a. 道德(上)的, 道义的n. 寓意, 教育意义

  We’re suffering a moral breakdown.


  521、mosquito n. 蚊子

  Mosquitoes like to suck the blood of people and animals.


  522、moreover conj./ad. 再者, 加之, 而且

  The composition is a not well written, and moreover, there are many spelling mistakes in it.

  这篇作文写得不好, 而且还有许多拼写错误。

  523、movement n. 运动, 活动; 移动, 迁移

  The American women’s liberation(解放)movement was started by women who don’t want to stand behind successful men.


  524、movie n. 电影, 电影院

  The conclusion of the movie was anticlimactic.


  525、murder v./n. 谋杀, 凶杀

  He murdered the song by poor singing.

  他唱得很差, 糟蹋了这首歌。

  526、muscle n. 肌肉, 体力

  Some of my friends develop their arm muscles by playing tennis.


  527、mysterious a. 神秘的, 可疑的, 难理解的

  They’re being very mysterious about their holiday plans.


  528、mystery n. 神秘, 神秘的事

  Why he went there is a mystery to me.


