


来源 :中华考试网 2020-04-18

  I. Phonetics ( 5 points )(Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.)

  1.选出 w发音与其他不同的一项





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  2.选出 y发音与其他不同的一项





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  Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure( 15 points)(Directions : There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.)

  1.The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness __________by his lack of talent.


  B.more than


  D.so much as

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  2.Our new house is very __________for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.





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  Ⅲ. Cloze ( 30 points)(Directions:For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.)1. Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend? Now you _____21_____do both at the same time. Home shopping television networks (网络) have become a _____22_____ for many people to shop without _____23_____ having to leave their home. Some shoppers are _____24_____of department stores and supermarkets——fighting the crowds, waiting in long lines, and sometimes having slight _____25_____ of finding anything they want to buy. They´ d rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and watch a friendly announcer describe a product_____26_____a model shows it. And they can shop around the clock, buying something_____27_____by making a phone call. Department stores and even mail-order companies are_____28_____to join in the success of home shopping. Large department stores are busy_____29_____their own TV channels(频道) to encourage TV shopping in the future. Customers can ask questions about products and place _____30_____, all through their TV sets. Will shopping by television _____31_____take the place of shopping in stores? Some industry mangers think so. _____32_____many people find shopping at a real store a great enjoyment. And for many shoppers, it is still important to _____33_____or try on dresses they want to buy. That´ s _____34_____specialism say that in the future, home shopping will_____35_____together with store shopping but will never entirely replace it.

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  IV. Reading Comprehension ( 60 points )(Directions:There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.)1. There is no creature that does not need sleep or complete rest every day. If you want to know why, just try going without sleep for a long period of time. You will discover that your mind and body would become too tired to work properly. You would become irritable and find it hard to think clearly or concentrate on your work. So sleep is quite simply the time when the cells of your body recover from the work of the day and build up supplies of energy for the next period of activity. One of the things we all know about sleep is that we are Unconscious in sleep, We do not know what is going on around us. But that do.es n´ t mean the body stops all activity. The important organs continue to work during sleep, but most of the body functions are slowed down. For example, our breathing becomes slower and deeper. The heart beats more slowly, and the blood pressure is lower. Our arms and legs become limp(柔软的) and muscles are at rest. It would be impossible for our body to relax to such an extent if we were awake. So sleep does for us what the most quiet rest can not do. Your body temperature becomes lower when you are asleep, which is the reason people go to sleep under some kind of covers. And even though you are unconscious, many of your reflexes (反射动作)still work. For instance, if someone tickles (使觉得痒)your foot, you will put it away in your sleep, or even brush a fly from your forehead. You do these things without knowing it.

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  2. The first European stock exchange was established in Antwerp, Belgium(比利时), in 1531.There were no stock exchanges in England until the 1700´ s. A man wishing to buy or sell shares of stock had to find a broker(agents) to transact his business for him. In London, he usually went to a coffee house, because brokers often gathered there. In 1773, the brokers of London formed a stock exchange. In New York City, brokers met under an old button-wood tree on Wall Street. They organized the New York Stock Exchange in 17.92. The American Stock Exchange, the second largest in the United States, was formerly called the Curb Exchange because of its origin on the streets of New York City. A stock exchange is a market place where member brokers buy and sell stocks and bonds (债券) of American and foreign businesses on behalf, of the public. A stock exchange provides a market place for stocks and bonds in the same way a board of trade does for commodities. The stockbrokers receive a small commission on each transaction they make. The stockholder may sell his stock wherever he wants to unless the corporation has some special rule to prevent it. Prices of stock change according to general business conditions and the earnings and future prospects (前景) of the company~ If the business is doing well, the stockholder may be able to sell his stock for a profit. If it is not, he may have to take a loss.【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见

  V. Daily Conversation ( 15 points )(Directions:Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialoaue by blackenina the corresuondina letter on the Answer Sheet.)1. A: What do you plan to do this weekend? B: _____56_____ A : I hear there´ s going to be a basketball match this Sunday. Tom and I are going to watch it._____57_____? B : Of course. Basketball is my favourite. But I have no ticket for the match. What a pity ! A : You´ re lucky. I have some free tickets.____58______. B : Great !_____59_____? A : Let´ s meet at the bus stop at half past five. B: I think there must be a big crowd of people there._____60_____?

  A : OK. See you at five o´ clock. B: See you.A. What about making it a little earlier

  B. I have no idea

  C. Let´ s go together

  D. Thank you all the same

  E. Do you like basketball

  F. When and where shall we meet

  G. What are you going to do

  H. It does n´ t matter

  【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见VI. Writing ( 25 points)(Directions:For this part, you are supposed to write an essay in English in 100 - 120 words based on the following information. Remember to write it clearly.)1.你是王刚(Wang Gang),写一封给朋友李明(Li Ming)的祝贺信,祝贺他获得复旦大学计算机科学硕士学位,并祝他今后在学习和研究方面取得成功。

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