


来源 :中华考试网 2019-03-15

  16. I don’t think it is easy to ______ your weight if keep on eating that way.

  A. decrease B. reduce C. decline D. shorten

  17. The guide is ____ a line of tourists through the narrow passage with the help of his torch.

  A.concluding B.containing C.conducting D.conquering

  18. It _______ the village where we spent our holidays last summer.

  A. reminds me of B. reminds me to C. remembers me of D. remembers me to

  19. It’s too expensive for me. I can’t _______it.

  A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford

  20. I didn’t know what to do but then an idea suddenly______ to me.

  A. happened B. entered C. occurred D. hit

  21. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______ any further responsibilities.

  A. take on B. bring on C. get on D. carry out

  22. Dear, do send the children to bed. I can't _______their noise any longer.

  A. put off B. put up C. stand up D. put up with

  23. Will you please ______ my parcel at the post-office as you pass?

  A. pick out B. pick up C. take out D. take up

  24. In making such models, skills as well as thorough knowledge of plant structure are ______.

  A. called on B. called up C. called for D. called in

  25. The little boy ______ his hiding place when he coughed.

  A. gave away B. gave up C. got away D. got in

  26. None of us expected the chairman to ______ at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.

  A. turn in B. turn up C. turn over D. turn down

  27. When he heard the bad news, he ______ completely.

  A. broke away B. broke up C. broke down D. broke out

  28. If I had more time, I would ____ golf as a hobby.

  A.take in B.take on C.take up D.take over

  29. Would you like me ______ the radio a bit?

  A. turning down B. turned down C. turn down D. to turn down

  30. Since the road is wet this morning, ______ last night.

  A. it must have rained B. it must rain C. it must be raining D. it must have been rained

