


来源 :中华考试网 2019-01-05

  IV. Translation (50)

  Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.

  1.如果不立即采取行动,许多种野生动物就会因饥饿而死亡。(without, hunger)

  2.我累了。昨晚我不该那么晚睡觉。 (should not + 动词完成式)


  4. 有些人认为他很粗野,但是情况并非如此。(the case)

  5. 我想知道他不接受这份工作的原因。(reason)

  6. 我觉得很难理解他。(hard)

  7.老师讲的很多阅读技巧也适用于英语学习。 (apply to)

  8. 她把窗户打开为的是通通风。

  9. 每一位学生都渴望学好英语。

  10. 晨练有益于身体健康。

  11. 我总是一上船就晕船。(on board)

  12.首先,我欢迎你参加此次会议。(first of all)

  13. Auden先生是一个快乐的人,他从帮助别人之中获得乐趣。(derive)

  14. 穿上外套,否则你会感冒的。(or)

  V. Translate the following English sentences into Chinese.

  1. Many of us have grown up with warnings to be careful.

  2. A look of great relief spread over his face.

  3. Christmas is supposed to be a time to express our love and goodwill towards others.

  4. In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one had noticed.

  5. You would find it safer and more convenient to put your money in a bank and write out checks to pay for your larger purchases.

  6. Their request was met with wide-eyed silence.

  7. While speaking with a salesman, the student nodded his head politely to show that he was paying attention.

  8. Another theory is that the geography of the area is responsible for the disappearances of the ships and planes.

  9. If you have the money or if you are prepared to go into debt, you will participate in the conspicuous consumption that Christmas has come to represent.

  10. Although we rarely think about it, the distance that we stand from someone during a conversation is also an important part of communication.

  VI. Writing.

  一、Write a composition entitled Air Pollution. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

  1. 现在空气污染越来越严重。

  2. 应该如何应对空气污染。

  3. 我们一定能够战胜空气污染。

  Air Pollution

  二、Write a composition entitled Online Chatting. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

  1. 网上聊天越来越流行; 2. 有人反对它,有人赞同;  3. 我的看法。

  三、请以 Online Shopping (《网络购物》)为题,写一篇100字的作文。

  Online Shopping

