


来源 :中华考试网 2018-09-15

  Task 4

  Directions: The following is an email from Peter Smith. After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (numbered 66 through 70) below. The answers (in no more than 5 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers.

  Date: Thurs. May 26, 2005 15:26:58

  From: PeterSmith@Yahoo.com

  To: WangHaihong@163.com

  Re: Low air conditioner stock level

  Dear Mr. Wang,

  You may remember that at the end of last month I sent you a mobile message reminding you that we urgently needed to increase our stock of air conditioners for the coming summer.

  I have recently noticed that our stock of air conditioners is dangerously low, and that unless we order a large number in the very near future, the stock will run out in the middle of summer.

  We urgently need at least 200 Haier Brand 1HP Model and 100 Haier Brand 3HP Model air conditioners if we are to meet the demand. Please order these as soon as possible from the Customer Center of the manufacturer, Haier Group in Qingdao.

  All the best


  51.What is the receiver’s email address?

  The receiver’s email address is__________________________________.

  52.What is Peter’s email about?

  It is about __________________________________.

  53.Why did Peter send Mr. Wang a mobile message at the end of last month?

  He wanted to remind him that they needed an increase of _____________________ urgently.

  54.What trouble does Peter’s company have now?

  They have a trouble in__________________________________.

  55.How many air conditioners does Peter require Mr. Zhang to order?

  Peter wants MR. Zhang to order ______ Haier Brand 1HP Model and ______ Haier Brand 3HP Model air conditioners.

  Part IV Translation

  Section A Put the following into Chinese. ( 10 Points )

  56.The camera crew went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise ove the beach in the middle of a beautful bay(海湾)


  57.The birds in the film were flying backwards.and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach.


  58.Now that he had helped me find a good doctor ,it was only fair that I should pay him.


  59.The final examination report consisted of ten lines.and it caost me $215 .


  60.I have had great deal of trouble keeping up with the rest of the class.


  Section B Put the following into Einglish. ( 10 Points )











  Part V Writing

  Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write something according to the following information given in chinese . Remember to wirte something in no less than 120 words on the Composition Sheet.




  参考词汇:禁令 ban 意识 awareness 提倡 advocate

