


来源 :中华考试网 2018-06-01

  第 11 题

  A. It must be very expensive to get such a nice house

  B. the guy who's selling the house has lost his job

  C. It's everything we have been looking for

  D. Our house is outside of the city 参考答案:C

  第 12 题

  A. It must be very expensive to get such a nice house

  B. the guy who's selling the house has lost his job

  C. It's everything we have been looking for

  D. Our house is outside of the city 参考答案:A

  第 13 题

  A. It must be very expensive to get such a nice house

  B. the guy who's selling the house has lost his job

  C. It's everything we have been looking for

  D. Our house is outside of the city 参考答案:B

  第 14 题

  A. It must be very expensive to get such a nice house

  B. the guy who's selling the house has lost his job

  C. It's everything we have been looking for

  D. Our house is outside of the city 参考答案:D

  Dialogue Two

  John: Oh Anne, that was a wonderful dinner. That's the best meal I've had in a long time. Anne: Oh, thank you! Thank you very much.

  John: Can I give you a hand with the dishes?

  Anne: Uh-uh, don't bother. 5 Hey, would you like me to fix some coffee? John: Uh, thanks a lot. I'd love some. Uh, would you mind if I smoke?

  Anne: Why, not at all. Here, let me get you an ashtray. John: Aw, thanks very much...Oh, Anne, 6

  Anne: Actually, I've only just learned how, you know. It's because I've been taking these courses. John: Why, I can't cook at all, can't even boil an egg.

  Anne: No kidding. 7 you could take a couple of classes over at Sheridan College and learn how to do it too.

  John: Aw, thanks a lot.

  第 15 题

  A.I didn't realize you were such a good cook.

  B. I' 11 do them myself later.

  C. Well, you know, if you want to,

  D. Do you make it by yourself? 参考答案:B

  第 16 题

  A.I didn't realize you were such a good cook.

  B. I' 11 do them myself later.

  C. Well, you know, if you want to,

  D. Do you make it by yourself? 参考答案:A

  第 17 题

  A.I didn't realize you were such a good cook.

  B. I' 11 do them myself later.

  C. Well, you know, if you want to,

  D. Do you make it by yourself?

  参考答案:C Dialogue Three

  Man: Okay, Mr. Taylor, let' s go ahead and begin. First of all, tell me about your last job. Mr. Taylor: Well, as stated on my resume, I've worked for five years at Hi-tech Computers.

  Man: Okay. Hi-Tech. And what do you know about computer networks and operating systems including DOS, Windows, Macintosh OS, and UNIX?

  Mr. Taylor : Umm...well...I did come into contact with computers every night at my last job.

  Man: Huh... 8 We are looking for someone to create and manage our company's website which would include the development, configuration and use of CGI scripts.

  Mr. Taylor: Umm... uh, web page, web page. Huh... I don't think I've read that book, and 9

  Man: Huh And what about experience with Java or JavaScript?

  Mr. Taylor: Well I think I've tried Java at a foreign coffee shop one time, if that's what you mean? Man: Okay, Mr. Taylor, 10

  Mr. Taylor: Oh, and I really like computer games. I play them every day. Man: Right, right. Thanks, Mr. Taylor. We'll be in touch.

  第 18 题

  A. And how about website authoring skills?

  B. I think I have all the information I need!

  C. I' m afraid I've never used those CGI things. D.First of all, tell me about yourself.


  第 19 题

  A. And how about website authoring skills?

  B. I think I have all the information I need!

  C. I' m afraid I've never used those CGI things.

  D. First of all, tell me about yourself. 参考答案:C

  第 20 题

  A. And how about website authoring skills?

  B. I think I have all the information I need!

  C. I' m afraid I've never used those CGI things. D.First of all, tell me about yourself.


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