


来源 :中华考试网 2018-04-18

  41. In no circumstances ______ a lie.

  A. you should tell

  B. shouldn’t you tell

  C. you shouldn’t tell

  D. should you tell

  42. It was raining hard, but by the time class was over, the rain ______.

  A. stopped

  B. would stop

  C. had stopped

  D. might have stopped

  43. He was very upset by the ______ of his English examination.

  A. effect

  B. loss

  C. result

  D. final

  44. The clock ______ and we realized it was two o’clock.

  A. hit

  B. struck

  C. rang

  D. sounded

  45. Trains stop here in order to ______ passengers only.

  A. get off

  B. pull up

  C. get on

  D. pick up

  II. Cloze (20 Points)

  Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the following passage.

  Mr. Adamson enjoys playing the violin in his spare time. He is often carried away by his own 46 . But it is a 47 time for his neighbors when Mr. Adamson plays as he 48 so badly.

  One day Mr. Adamson sat by a 49 and began to play the violin as usual. Mr. Adamson seemed to be making 50 instead of music, but he was so 51 that he almost forgot what he was doing. Just then, some stones were thrown out of the window under 52 Mr. Adamson was sitting, but he did not pay any attention to it. The "music" 53 . After a little while, an empty bottle and a worn-out shoe were thrown out of the window, 54 . Only then did Mr. Adamson know that this was not the 55 for him to play in. Mr. Adamson was very 56 . He thought, " 57 no living people can understand my music, I should go to a place where people may appreciate my works." So he decided to go to a graveyard(墓地).

  He came to a graveyard where there is no other 58 except the church toll(钟声). Mr. Adamson sat at a grave and thought 59 . "I must do my best to 60 that my music is outstanding(出色的). "The more he thought, the more inspired he was, and 61 he began to play his violin. Suddenly a bare foot stretched(伸) out from the 62 and gave Mr. Adamson a heavy 63 which sent him flying. His violin also dropped from his hand. Mr. Adamson felt very sad 64 his work was not accepted by anyone, not even the 65 .

  46. A. violin B. music C. noise D. sound

  47. A. terrible B. useless C. wonderful D. long

  48. A. sings B. shouted C. played D. does

  49. A. house B. door C. window D. wall

  50. A. sound B. something C. noise D. voice

  51. A. angry B. excited C. comfortable D. disappointed

  52. A. which B. it C. that D. where

  53. A. stopped B. began C. played D. continued

  54. A. together B. slowly C. too D. again

  55. A. room B. music C. violin D. place

  56. A. happy B. sad C. glad D. tearful

  57. A. Perhaps B. Though C. If D. Even

  58. A. person B. building C. thing D. sound

  59. A. anything B. his music C. a lot D. hardly

  60. A. show B. tell C. announce D. mean

  61. A. first B. again C. finally D. later

  62. A. graveyard B. window C. tree D. church

  63. A. kick B. beating C. wing D. shoe

  64. A. when B. and C. because D. so

  65. A. graveyard B. children C. people D. dead

