


来源 :中华考试网 2018-04-17

  Questions 76 to 80 are based on the following passage:

  In the morning of May 5th, 1975, the astronaut named Harry Jackson was given very careful medical examination. Then he was sent to the launching (v.发射) position, where the spaceship Astra was waiting to be launched. After Harry Jackson put on his special space suit, a lift took him up to the rocket (火箭), which was 65 feet above the ground.

  The count-down started, "six, five, four, three, two, one, zero, lift off," and the rocket immediately left the earth at very high speed.

  After two and a half minutes, the rocket was moving at 5,000 miles an hour. When the Astra was 425 miles above the earth, it stopped for 20 minutes. Then Harry Jackson left his spaceship and swam around in space. He was fixed by a life-line that would help him return to the spaceship.

  As he moved about in space, he kept taking photos with his specially-made camera of what he did and saw. Afterwards he used the life-line to pull himself back to the spaceship. Then the Astra began to fall back. Forty-eight hours after the flight had started, Harry Jackson and his spaceship fell down in the Atlantic, where a waiting helicopter (n. 直升飞机) picked him up.

  The flight was carried out exactly as it was planned and was really a great success. When the results of the trip was announced, the whole nation cheered for it with great joy.

  76. The best title (n.题目) of this passage is ______.

  A. The First Space Walker

  B. A Successful Flight

  C. A Great Success

  D. Harry Jackson—First Space-Swimmer

  77. The Astra was ______.

  A. a rocket

  B. an ordinary jet plane

  C. a spaceship launched by a rocket

  D. a rocket operated by Harry Jackson

  78. The whole flight took ______ to complete.

  A. nearly fifty hours

  B. twenty minutes

  C. two and a half minutes

  D. several days

  79. When the Astra was ______ the earth, it stopped for twenty minutes so that the astronaut ______.

  A. 65 feet above, could walk in space

  B. 5 000 miles above, could swim in space

  C. 425 miles away from, could carry out the plan which had been arranged

  D. very far away from, could take photos of what he did and saw

  80. The life-line was used ______.

  A. to keep the astronaut from floating away from the Astra

  B. to help Harry Jackson to take photos

  C. to keep in touch with the launching centre on the earth

  D. not leave the Astra for a moment

  Questions 81 to 85 are based on the following passage:

  China's 5000-meter Olympic Champion Wang Junxia is suffering from a serious condition brought on by stress and her heavy training schedule(日程), according to her coach. Wang was China's only athletic medalist in the Atlanta Olympic Games, winning gold in the women's 5000 meters and silver in the 10000 meters.

  "Wang Junxia is suffering from serious neurasthenia(神经衰弱), which is causing her insomnia(失眠) and even making it painful for her to run." Coach Wang Dezhen told reporters. In an interview with China's National Television Station CCTV, Wang said that her headaches come whenever she runs. Neurasthenia is a general term for a condition whose symptoms range(症状范围) from fatigue (疲劳) and anxiety to listlessness(倦怠无力).

  "The condition has been brought on by her hard training schedule these past few years and she needs a good rest." said Mao, who took over Wang's training when the long-distance star split with long-time coach Ma Junren in late 1994.

  Wang is currently recuperating(复原) in Shenyang, capital of Liaoning province, but will join the rest of the provincial team in the southern city of Nanning for winter training in February, Mao said.

  81. What following is the reason for which Wang Junxia suffers from a serious nervous condition?

  A. poor health.

  B. too much stress.

  C. heavy training.

  D. both B and C.

  82. According to the passage, ______.

  A. she has stopped training

  B. she has been training very hard

  C. she has been a serious neurasthenia

  D. she has been in poor health

  83. Which of the following is right?

  A. She got two gold medals in the Atlanta Olympic Games.

  B. She is from Northeast of China.

  C. She is now training in the southern city of Nanning.

  D. She has been guided by Coach Mao Dezhen for five years.

  84. The best title of the passage is ______.

  A. Wang Needs a Good Rest

  B. Wang’s Schedule Isn't Scientific

  C. Wang Faces a Serious Problem of Neurasthenia

  D. Coach Wang’s new Challenge

  85. Where is the passage probably taken from?

  A. A novel.

  B. An ad.

  C. A newspaper.

  D. A magazine.

  Questions 86 to 90 are based on the following passage:

  Everybody may have seen the film "Death on the Nile (n.尼罗河)", but nobody can imagine that the writer of the story, Agatha Christie, saved a baby in a most unusual way.

  In June 1977, a baby girl became seriously ill in Deleville. Doctors there were unable to find out the cause of her illness, so she was sent to a famous hospital in London, where there were many excellent doctors. The baby was so seriously ill that a team of doctors hurried to examine her without any delay. The doctors, too, were puzzled by the baby’s illness, and they also became discouraged. Just then a nurse asked to speak to them.

  "I think the baby is suffering from thallium (n.铊) poisoning," said the nurse. "A few days ago, I read a story 'A Pale Horse' written by Agatha Christie. Someone uses thallium poison, and all the symptoms (n.症状) are written in the book. They are exactly the same as the baby’s."

  "You're very good at observing things," said a doctor, "and you may be right. We'll carry out some tests and find out whether the cause is thallium poisoning or not."

  The tests proved that the baby had indeed been poisoned by thallium. Once they knew that cause, the doctors were able to give her correct treatment. The baby soon got well and was sent back to Daleville. A week later it was reported that the poison might have come from an insecticide(n.杀虫剂) used in Deleville.

  86. The baby was sent to a hospital in London because ______.

  A. her parents were living in London then

  B. the hospitals in Deleville were full at that time

  C. she was the daughter of a famous doctor in London

  D. doctors in Deleville were not sure about the cause of her illness

  87.When the baby was first sent to the hospital in London, her illness was considered to be ______.

  A. quite easy to treat

  B. the result of thallium poisoning

  C. a common one

  D. extraordinarily serious

  88. The one who first suggested the correct cause of the baby’s illness was ______.

  A. a doctor in Deleville

  B. a famous doctor

  C. Agatha Christie

  D. an ordinary nurse

  89. From this passage it seems that the baby’s illness had something to do with ______.

  A. a dead writer

  B. the water in Deleville

  C. a dangerous murderer

  D. a harmful substance(n.物质) used to kill pests

  90. As far as we can tell from the story, Agatha Christie ______.

  A. had never met this baby

  B. had spent a long time studying the baby’s illness

  C. visited the baby both in Deleville and London

  D. gave the nurse some advice on the telephone

  IV Translation (20 Points)

  Translate the following sentences into English, using the key words and expressions given below.

  91. 我已得出结论,像这样的计划不可行。(work)

  92. 她心中起了怀疑。(spring up)

  93. 古希腊被称为西方文明的起源。(origin)

  94. 只有十名船员幸免于船只失事。(survive)

  95. 不要摇动船只,你会使它失去平衡而翻倒的。(turn over)

  V. Writing (15 Points)

  Write a composition about Time in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph and are required to develop its idea by completing the paragraph. Write about 35 words for each paragraph, not including the words given. Therefore, your part of the composition should be about 100 words.


  A proverb says: “Time is money.” But I think time is even more precious than money. ____Nowadays, some students do not realize that wasting time means wasting life. ________Therefore, never waste any time.

