


来源 :中华考试网 2017-03-02

  21. It isn't quite _________ that he will be present at meeting.

  A. sure

  B. right

  C. exact

  D. certain

  22. You will never guess whom I _________ on the street yesterday.

  A. ran over

  B. ran out of

  C. ran into

  D. ran up to

  23. I don't think it is any use _________ this matter any further.

  A. discussing

  B. to discuss

  C. to discussing

  D. to be discussed

  24. In short,_________ he lives,a man belongs to some society.

  A. whatever

  B. whenever

  C. whichever

  D. wherever

  25. Judging from his manners at the party,he doesn't seem _________ much education.

  A. to receive

  B. to be receiving

  C. to have received

  D. to have been received

  26. Our children and grandchildren will _________ if we don't look after our pla.

  A. endure

  B. suffer

  C. tolerate

  D. bear

  27. The news of the air crash is not yet _________ by the government.

  A. mitted

  B. confirmed

  C. considered

  D. concerned

  28. You ought to know better than _________ yourself in unnecessary expense

  A. to involve

  B. involve

  C. involving

  D. involved

  29. She walked across the meeting room _________ every one looking at her.

  A. with

  B. as

  C. while

  D. when

  30. No sooner had we sat down _________ we found it was time to go.

  A. than

  B. when

  C. as

  D. while


  1—5 ADBAA 6—10 CDACA

  21—25 DCADC 26—30 BBAAA

