


来源 :中华考试网 2016-07-30



  6.Tom attended   evening school for month or two.

  A.the:a B.an;the C.不填;the D.an;不填

  7.Spring is by far time to visit the island.

  A.better B.the better C.best D.the best

  8.The weather report says it again tomorrow.

  A.rains B.rained C.will rain D.has rained

  9.Bill has a very high price for the car.

  A.paid B.spent C.cost D.bought

  1 0. There is nobody here in the office-they have all gone home.

  A.can B.must C.should D.would

  1 1.Mary looks great this pair of trousers.

  A.in B.by C.on D.at

  1 2.The next morning people found the world outside their houses completely .

  A.change B.changing C.changed D.to change

  1 3.These books should not be from the library.

  A.taken away B.taken off C.taken down D.taken over

  1 4.By the time I got home,my grandmother the dinner and was watching TV.

  A.prepares B.prepared C.has prepared D.had prepared

  1 5.The reason the president kept silent is still unknown.

  A.how B.why C.when D.what

  16.一Will you please open the door for me?

  一 .

  A.Yes,please B.My pleasure C.Not at all D.You’re welcome

  17.James got lost in the city, he had to ask for help.

  A.or B.SO C.but D.for

  1 8.Mrs.Smith persuaded her husband the right thin9.

  A.do B.did C.to do D.doing

  19.My parents and I couldn’t get into the house last night because 0f US had the key.

  A.all B.either C.neither D.none

  20.Dogs have a very sense of smell.

  A.nice B.clear C.good D.high

