


来源 :中华考试网 2020-04-27

  第一题 语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。)






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  第二题 词汇与语法知识 (共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。)

  1.In China, __________bicycle is __________popular means of transportation.A.the ;a

  B.a; 不填

  C.the ;the

  D.a ;the

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  2.If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my __________reaction will be to tell the police.A.physical




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  第三题 完型填空(共15小题;每题2分,共30分。通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳选项。 )

  1. "...She was married to an officer in India, long ago India; and she had a life of physical adventure(冒险) as exciting as her poetry. Her husband could cross rivers using crocodiles(鳄鱼) as stepping stones. He died when she was only 39. Unwilling to exist without him, she took her life, leaving a son in England. "

  I stared at the paper,21 reading ,couldn´t help thinking.

  Crocodiles are lazy animals as a rule, but they can move like lightening when they want to. And they don´ t mind hurrying 22 they´ re hungry. There used to be lots in Indian rivers, living on fish mostly; but what´ s a little fish for a fifteen-foot crocodile ? They ate people, fisherman or anyone else delicious enough to get too near; women doing the 23 , or children playing at the water´ s 24 . A hungry crocodile´ s mouth 25 over a meal with a sound like a gunshot. A big fellow can 26 in a man in two bites (咬)。

  That woman´ s husband crossed rivers 27 from one crocodile´ s back to the next. I believe it. It had to be done quickly before the creature could see what was happening. It wasn´ t 28 a brave, active man; and no doubt he improved with practice. He could never look 29 while crossing. The wife used to watch him--I felt sure of that. She lived 30 the adventure, the 31 excitement of it all. Their real life was with tigers ,snakes...It´ s no wonder she wrote 32 poetry.

  Then he died. I imagined how she felt. Was there another man 33 him in India, in the world? She was still young ,hardly a sitting-room widow(寡妇). "I must 34 ,too." she said to herself. So she did what she felt she had to do. A 35 probably ,to her head.

  But her young son, their son? Was her love for him nothing compared to her husband?Well, what do you think?

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  第四题 阅读理解 (共15小题;每题3分,共45分。阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。)

  1. Every Chinese-language textbook starts out with the standard phrases(短语) for greeting people ;but as an American, I always found myself unable to speak freely when it came to seeing guests off at the door. Just a good-bye would not do, yet that was all I had ever learned from the terrible books. So I would smile and nod ,bowing(鞠躬) like a Japanese and searching madly for words that would smooth over the visitor´ s leaving and make them feel they would be welcome to come again. In my unease, I often hid behind the skirts of my Chinese husband´ s kindness. Then finally ,listening to others, I began to pick up the phrases that eased relationships and sent people off not only successfully but also skillfully.

  Partings for the Chinese include a lot of necessary habitual practice. Although I´ m not expected to observe or even know all the rules, as a foreigner, I´ ve had to learn the expressions of politeness and protest(抗议,反对) at a leaving-taking.

  The Chinese feel they must see a guest off to the farthest possible point-down the flight of stairs to the street below or perhaps all the way to the nearest bus stop. I´ ve sometimes waited half an hour or more for my husband to return from seeing a guest off ,since he´ s gone to the bus stop and waited for the next bus to arrive.

  That´s very well ,but when I´ m the guest being seen off, my protests are always useless. My hostess or host ,or both ,insists on seeing me down the stairs and well on my way ,with my repeating the "Don´t bother( give the trouble)to see me off" at every landing. If I try to go fast to discourage them from following, they are simply out to the discomfort of having to run after me.Better to accept the inevitable( 不可避免的).

  Besides ,that´s going against Chinese custom, because haste (doing things quickly)is to be avoided. What do you say when you part from someone? "Go slowly. "Not farewell or Godspeed (祝福), but "Go slowly. ". To the Chinese it means "Take care" or "Watch your step" ,or some such caution, but translated literally(照字面地) it means "Go slowly".

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  2.It may be pointed out that warfare(战争) as practiced by man has no parallel in nature ,This is to say that within the more highly developed animal populations of this earth, there is not now. nor has there been similar destruction within a species(物种) itself. In fact ,one has to go to the lowliest forms of animal life, such as certain kinds of ants, to find anything comparable to human warfare. It is a curious fact that mankind appears to give the killing of his own kind a good reason by imaging that it is a "law of nature". There are now a lot of wrong ideas about the laws of nature, of which this is one of the most incorrect and fateful(致命的). Political beliefs have been based upon it with results that have come near to destroying human civilization. The theory that war is a biological necessity. that it is nature´s method of controlling population and believing in the survival(生存) of the strong and the elimination(灭亡) of the weak, is totally wrong and insupportable. Within the last century. when wars have been common all over the world ,the human population of the earth has almost doubled.

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  第五题 补全对话(共5句;每句满分为3分,共15分。根据中文提示,将对话中缺少的内容写在线上。这些句子必须符合英语表达习惯。打句号的地方,用陈述句;打问号的地方,用疑问句。)

  1. 提示:爱丽丝的妈妈病了,爱丽丝想向老师格林先生请几天假。 Alice :Excuse me. Mr. Green. I´ d like to take a few days off. Green : 51 ? Alice :My mother is ill. I have to take care of her. Green: Oh dear! I am sorry to hear that. 52 ? Alice :No.thank you. My mother has caught a bad cold. She has a high fever and coughs day and night. The doctor says my mother has to be in hospital for a few days.I would like to be with her. Green :I understand. 53 ? Alice :I hope to be back next Wednesday. Green:That´s all right. 54 Alice :Thank you, Mr. Green. That´ s very kind of you. I will write it immediately. Green : 55

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  第六题 书面表达 (满分30分)

  1. 假设你是小明,光明中学的学生,你给你的好友小华写信讲述你的美国之行。内容包括:先去了纽约,看到许多孽天大楼,但看不到世贸大厦了;两天后去了洛杉矶(Los Angeles),参观了好莱坞,游览了迪斯尼乐园;还去了内华达(Nevada)的里诺(Reno),游览了风景优美的大沪(Dahu)湖。

  注意: 1.不要逐字翻译,叙述要连贯。


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