


来源 :中华考试网 2019-04-27

  36. Oh, deal! My kite _C_ on top of the tree.

  A. flew B. stopped C .landed D. reached

  37.—I'm afraid his radio is too noisy. Will you please _C_ him to turn it down?


  A. make B. let C. ask D. keep

  38. He could _A__ neither French nor German. So I _____with him in English.

  A. speak; talked B. talk; told C. say; spoke D. tell; talked

  39. The teacher asked the students to stop _B__and _____to her.

  A. to talk; listened B. talking; listen C. talking; listening D. to talk; listen

  40.—When shall we start?

  —Let's _B_it 8:30.Is that all right?

  A. take B. make C. have D. meet

  41. My uncle _A_in London. I'll _____with him for a few days.

  A. lives; stay B. stays; live C. stays; stay D. lives; live

  42.Jack likes to _C__others but never writes to them.

  A. hear of B. hear about C. hear from D. hear

  43.—Will you please write a short passage on Meteor Garden and_D_ it to me this evening?

  —What about tomorrow? My computer doesn't work. I can't send it to you.

  A. bring B. give C. take D. e-mail

  44. His mother is ill. He is going to _D_her at home.

  A. look at B. look up C. look for D. look after

  45. I _B_light blue ____dark blue.

  A. like; than B. prefer; to C. prefer; than D. like; to

  46. After we_C_ them, we____ the last match.

  A. beat; beat B. won; beat C. beat; won D. won; won

  47. He is _D_a new coat today.

  A. dressing B. putting on C. trying on D. wearing

  48. When she was young, she_C_ at ten in the evening and she soon____.

  A. fell asleep; went to bed B. slept; went to bed

  C. went to bed; fell asleep D. fell asleep; slept

  49. He _A_the blackboard carefully but couldn't_ _____the words clearly.

  A. looked at; see B. saw; look C. looked; see D. saw; look at

  50. I_A_him to go there with me.

  A. wish B. hope C. think D. let

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  2019年湖南成人高考招生简章 2019广东成人高考招生简章


